Got back from Lanza last Friday morning - used the Boots own-brand "Earplanes" plugs on the flights out there and back again - results: OK but I found the plugs a little uncomfortable to wear, my ears felt sore inside until I removed the plugs after landing. My 12 year old daughter couldn't wear her plugs - they wouldn't fit into her ears properly, maybe I should have bought the child's plugs for her.
I put them in before take-off and left them in until the seat-belt lights went off, then put them back in about 45 minutes before landing (descent is always more slow and gradual). My ears 'popped' on their own without me having to do any yawning or chewing, but the plugs made my ears feel sore and I'm not sure if I would have preferred to go without them and just stick to my usual packet of chewing gum - however, they were a bit of a godsend on the way out when we had a screaming baby in front of us (screaming for the entire 4½ hour flight...)
Both my kids suffer terribly with ears popping,just returned from hols yesterday and used the Boots earplugs ,both kids had big smiles for the first time ever on the flights.Would definetly recommend.
I know it won't really help, but we used to carry bags of Pear drops to give to our girls when they were younger. Now my eldest daughter(20)still maintains that she can't eat a pear drop without getting earache!!
I am going to Turkey on Monday and have now got a sore throat and earache,I would normally just let nature take its course,but am a little worried about my earache when I am due to fly,can anyone offer me some advice ?
i would go and see your gp and get checked out.
Thanks Ali,have managed to get appointment with a GP at my practice who I don't care for very much,but heyho he's a doctor and as you say better safe than sorry.
Hi Dimrie, you are right to go and see your doctor. I always seem to manage to get a bad throat etc just before a holiday. I avoid anyone whos bad and still usually get one. A dose of antibiotics should sort you out. Have a great holiday.
Have been to doctors and my ear is not infected,but I do have cattarh,so he has given my some drops to loosen it up.Thanks for your help,now will have to start and think about getting our suitcases out of the loft
For your sore throat you really can't beat a home-made lemon and honey drink - if you are not driving add a shot of Scotch!!
Pippa .
I know how you feel though, I flew just after an ear infection cleared up a few years ago, but it still hurt! On the way back I took a mild sleeping pill and luckily slept through most of the flight - might be worth taking some over the counter pills just incase it does hurt?
LisaMJ x
I don't know if this spray relates to ears as well as noses, (but I suppose they are all connected!) but may help: I know how you feel though, I flew just after an ear infection cleared up a few years ago, but it still hurt! On the way back I took a mild sleeping pill and luckily slept through most of the flight - might be worth taking some over the counter pills just incase it does hurt?
LisaMJ x
Still feeling a bit iffy,the drops the doctor gave me are put via my nose and the taste is vialle,but if they do the trick it will be worth it.I don.t fly until Monday morning so hopefully I will be feeling better by then.
Good luck
I had a infection when i flew back in July. My Doctor said although he had to advise me not to fly, it would not stop him doing so.
I went ahead and followed advice from him and from off here. This is what i took
Nasal spray, Decongestant tablets, Halls( the really strong ones) Airwaves chewing gum and i also took anti-inflammatries before take off and before landing. I could not tell you which one or if all of them worked and honestly i felt as though i could blow air from my ears, they felt that clear
Good luck i hope that you dont have much bother with your ears.
Have a good holiday.
Thanks LOulou,I have a nasal spray from doctor and I am going to buy some eardrops(Ceramol) tomorrow hopefully that should sort the problem.
my husband as a perferated hear drum from a cold infection the walk in clinic gave him antibiotics until he goes to the doctor this week, does anyone know if we can fly we go away 23 may im asking because my hubby might not ask or just say we can but i would like advice of anyone whos been through this or who as had ear problems before.
I had a perforated ear drum two days after flying back from Egypt in January. I went to the doc's and he said it would heal in two or three days without any medication. It took a week or two for it to feel OK again, and I'm still going to fly to Turkey three weeks from now.
I got back from Cyprus last week and I used earplanes for the first time they were brill, my ears sometimes pop in the car on hills and so I was worried as just getting over a cold, I only used them for the descent but for the first time I had no pain and also I ate no sweets or anything to drink ! worth every penny
Lanzarote seems to have been mentioned qute a bit, is there any reason for this. Thanks gill.
When we got back from holiday 2 weks ago both myself and my 2 year old suffered quite badly.
I tryed sucking a lolly but found that no help at all
EDIT: Merged with existing 7 page thread which may provide some useful advice.
David HT Mod
glad this was merged otherwise i wouldn't have found it i suffer every year with my ears and i cant wait to buy plane ear my hubby suffers from hay fever so i can pinch his nasal spray or sudafed. looking forward to my flight now only 6 more days to go. i already have swim ear that was recommened on another forum so i should have a fantastic holiday with no pain in my lugs!!!
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