Here's the scenario"¦ I throw my dinner down me in the hotel, jump in a taxi to the old town to video this procession, which I last saw about 10/11 years ago and I wanted this on film for myself as well as HT.
On arriving in the old town and seeing the number of people, I realise that I'm not going to get anywhere decent to film.
So, I finally negotiate being allowed on the balcony of a nearby bar and sit up there with David (hubby) in a prime spot, then I realise that I have a ruddy big tree in front of me and only a small "window" to film.

At the last minute three women join me, I think they were Dutch and they never stopped yapping from start to finish and kept sticking their mobile phones in front of the camcorder lens"¦.plus I had the pop music being played in the background of the bar.
We had a drink while I played this back and no-way was I satisfied with this, so we hung around for nearly an hour (by this time it's gone 11.30pm) to catch the procession on their return down Avda.Tomás Ortuño to San Jaime Church and the majority of the crowds had dispersed by this time and headed off towards the "Fallas" fiesta.
I must say that my hubby had the patience of a saint that night because as soon as I'd finished filming the procession, I dragged him across town to film the "Fallas" that was due to start an hour later.
The music (including a few wobbly notes), the atmosphere, the whole scenario makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. When that solo bugle played, hundreds of people stopped in their tracks.
No-way is Benidorm like Blackpool when you witness something like this and nobody will ever be able to tell me any different"¦.this is what Easter is all about and this is the Roman Catholic Church and Benidorm at its best.
Another reason why there are two videos"¦..There were certain "frames" from the first video that I wanted to show you, (that didn't happen again) but, to put the whole lot together and combine all the footage, would have made the video too big (in file size) for upload.
I hope you enjoy watching these videos because I've enjoyed making them and it's been a slow painstaking job cutting out the rubbish footage.
Here's the first attempt at filming the procession, version 2 to follow.