Missed the launch of the flights on Friday morning as I was expecting them to be released Nov or even late Oct, by the time I realised on Friday night - flights for our family of 5 to Majorca in July next year were £835 (that included 2 cases and SB for us all)....as I was expecting flights for about £600 this was a bit of a shock.
Booked them anyway, no choice really as by now Jet 2's prices were well over a grand....wished I'd booked with them a few weeks ago when they were only £700 or so, but you take your chance playing the waiting game and for us, this time it didn't pay off.
Flights are 6am start which suits me down to the ground as we'll be in resort by lunchtime and similarly a 10am flight return means we don't have to pay extra to keep on apartment and don't spend the day clock watching and again, we'll be home for around lunchtime so a win-win situation all round.......apart from the price but hey, got a good deal with our apartment so we're still paying less for our 2011 holiday than we did this year