Thomson and First Choice have recently merged. That's why your flight numbers are Thomsonfly (TOM) rather than First Choice Airways (FCA). The airlines will eventually become Thomsonfly and First Choice Airlines will dissapear.
I beleive aircraft utilisation once fleet streamlining has taken place is as follows: Total fleet of 65 aircraft - 6x B737-300, 16x B737-800, 25x B757-200, 5x A320-200, 5x B767-300/ER (328Y - short haul), 6x B767-300/ER (ex FCA, 63P, 195Y - long haul/258) and 2x B767-300/ER (ex TOM, 42P, 241Y - long haul/283). Overall, 10 aircraft are leaving the fleet and two being added (737-800). Both airlines have Boeing 787's on order which are due starting May 2009. However, there are lengthy delays on 787 production so may not be arrive on time. Standby aircraft will be 2x B757-200 and 1 B767-300/ER (328Y), but could also operate long haul rescue flights if needed. Aircraft bases:
BOH= 1x B737-300
CVT= 2x B737-300
DSA= 2x B737-300, 1x B737-800
EXT= 1x A320-200
BFS= 1x A320-200 (operated by Skyservice, either C-GTDG [G-OOPP] or C-GTDH [G-OOPT])
DUB= 1x A320-200 (operated by Skyservice, either C-GTDG [G-OOPP] or C-GTDH [G-OOPT])
STN= 2x B737-800
CWL= 1x B737-800, 1x B757-200
NCL= 1x B737-800, 2x B757-200, B767-300/ER on certain days
GLA= 2x B757-200, B767-300/ER on certain days
BHX= 5x B757-200, B767-300/ER on certain days
BRS= 2x B757-200, B767=300/ER on certain days
EMA= 2x B737-800, 1x B757-200, B767-300/ER on certain days
LTN= 1x B737-300, 1x B737-800, 1x B757-200
MAN= 3x B737-800, 3x B757-200, 2x A320-200, 2x B767-300/ER (258), 1x B767-300/ER (283), 3x B767-300/ER (328)
LGW= 5x B737-800, 6x B757-200, 2x B767-300/ER (258), 1x B767-300/ER (283), 1x B767-300/ER (328)
Notice FCA A321's are leaving the fleet completely
Of the FCA 767s, two each will be based at Gatwick and Manchester, with the other two operating the regional longhaul from Bristol, Newcastle, East Midlands, Glasgow and Birmingham. One each of the remaining TOM 767s will be based at MAN and LGW.
Edited by
Dazbo HT Mod
2008-05-17 12:36:58
Anyone know what type of plane and what movies will be showing? We have gone for premier seats and wondered if we can book the seats before we check in?
See above and the previous pages on this thread. It'll be a Boeing 767-300/ER (258). At present, you can't select your seat with FCA flights. That may change when things become TOM. FCA/TOM don't publish an entertainment guide. There are listing posted on this thread to give you an idea of what to expect.
Thanks Darren
Thank you both for your quick replies. Much appreciated.

I've been pondering that question for a while, and not just with the FCA/TOM merger but with MYT/TCX and others. I think it'll be good for the airlines and tour operators in securing their future, but maybe not so good for us holiday makers. Competition in business is healthy but there's less of it these days now they've merged. There's less capacity now with airline fleet streamlining, ie when they merge, they don't need the same number of aircraft to operate their schedules so retire some. Therefore less seats on planes means greater demand and therefore higher prices. We're already seeing this on long haul holidays which are I've found to be ~20% more expensive than recent years. It's not all down to this, increased fuel prices and the current economic climate obviously has a bearing.
Specifically to FCA/TOM, there isn't much between them these days so I don't think it'll make too much difference in terms of their service levels. I think they've made a wise move with their long haul aircraft; losing all but 2 of TOM's 2-4-2 configured 763's(economy) in favour of FCA's roomier all 2-3-2 configuration. That is a good thing for passengers in my view. I've travelled extensively over the last few years with FCA and think they're probably the best of the charter airlines. I hope the TOM merger doesn't reduce their current level of service. When Tui took over the management of Thomson and their airline, Britannia, things started to go downhill so time will tell. I hope the parent company doesn't pull the purse strings too much. I'm next flying with TOM in December so it'll be interesting to see how things are going.
Have a feeling by what you say and what I think that you are right, the tourist is the one that will be hit, that's why we are doing as much long haul while we can, hope it will last just a few more years, then when it becomes out of our reach and I am feeling to old we can fall back on the short haul, but will look back on the exotic hols with fond memories.
The economic climate if it stays in the downturn will have a massive effect and putting prices up by the tour operators could mean more families cannot afford to go overseas for their holiday.This will affect short haul holidays more,but will also affect the cheaper long haul destinations. Competition is always heathy and these mergers destroy that so it becomes pay what we ask or dont go,as not everyone wants to DIY. I have never flown FCA but have to agree with Darren since the takeover by TUI Thomsons both the airline (as Britannia they were no1) and holidays have gone backwards. Having said that we go yearly to Cyprus and can only go with Thomsons (Gold Hotel) the service is where I feel they have taken a backwards step,Thomsonfly need to decide what they are Budget airline or Charter Airline because they are doing neither sucessfully. My opinion on Thomsons is based on 25+yrs using the company.
also having been talking with hotel owners whilst in Greece last week, many have had their contracts with tour operators cancelled and sales for this year are so low they may not survive, although many can be booked direct they are also loosing regular customers because of the reduction in and the cost of flights.
all i see for our future holidays is a reduction in choice and a vast increase in cost both of which will reduce the number of holidays we take abroad each year
PS unless we have no option we will not be using Thomson-fly for any more short haul holidays after this last flight
We flew to Egypt on may 12th and First Choice have decided in their wisdom that they will open 4 desks for all their flight to check at.We queued at 6.20 am for our flight at 9 am and did not get checked till 7.15 am and could not get seated together.They eventually found us aisle seats but when we complained that the people at the next desk had just got seated together we went to Serviceair to try and get our seating changed.The clerk at Serviceair noticed that we had not even got our seats across from each other as we were told but were 2 rows apart.Serviceair sorted this and we got seats across from each other which was the best they could do.
If you are flying with First Choice be prepared for this.We feel that this might be a ploy to get people to spend more money pre-booking seats (my opinion rightly or wrongly)
Moved and merged to FC topic in flights section.
I now have a two concerns after reading through about 50 of the pages on here, I upgraded to the premier seats thinking that we got 30kgs of weight each and that it was guaranteed seat together, now i am not too sure, if it helps i booked this holiday in May 2007, and i am sure it was stated as 30kgs of weight each. This si a special holiday for just my husband and myself and have gone to a great deal of trouble trying to talk gandparents in to having children for a fortnight, and the thought of a nine and half hour flight not sitting next to my husband is horrible!
Also i would just like to add i actually got the premier seats cheaper than the ordinary star class, i was that confused about this that i didn't book it on line, and went to the travel agents to query it, they couldn't understand it but honoured the price on line!
Any help given much ap[preciated.
All FCA long haul flights are operated by thier Boeing 767-300/ER's. FCA's baggage allowances are on their website. Your allowance is 23kg. It used to be 30kg, but any booking make on or after Thursday 14th Dec 2006 have the new allowances. Your allowance will be printed on your tickets when you get them. Premium seating is allocated depending on the date you booked, ie if you booked prem first, you'll be sat at the front etc. You'll be allocated seating together, but you may be seperated by an isle or be sat in the row behind. They'll do everything they can to seat you together, most passengers are accomodated. However, with the 2-3-2 confirguration, it's inevitable some will be seated across an isle.
With regard to the baggage allowance, the current FC brochures state the maximum single baggage weight is 23Kg. This applies to passengers in Star Class Premier or those travelling in economy but staying at FC Premier accomodation. Standard accomodation passengers are entitled to 20Kg (or 15Kg on a late booking).
The brochure we originally booked our forthcoming trip to Mexico from stated 30Kg baggage but we checked with the airline as subsequent brochure editions have stated 23Kg max. First Choice Airlines confirmed they would not accept any bag weighing over 23Kg.
Hope this helps!
Sorry Darren for the similar post, you beat me to it!
thanks for your quick response, lets hope that 13 months in advance is enough to get 2 seats actually together rather than seperated by the aisle! I am not worried with the diference in weight although i will have to kerb my spending lol, which i am sure hubby will be glad about
As far as service levels are going, call me a cynic but they are taking the cheapest options of both companies so far and i'm not impressed myself (regular visitors on here should know i'm the last one to berate either airline in my position) From my point of view, customers are getting an inferior service from both airlines compared to last year.
Little things, like officially aboloshing(sp?) two tea/coffee services -even on long haul!! changing to cheaper amenity packs, charging the higher price for drinks that FCA used to charge rather than the drinks prices TOM used to charge etc...
I asked a couple of months ago but the time is getting close so hopefully someone might have the answer - we are flying from gatwick on flight FCA 4744 to lanzarote, sunday 15/6/08 can you tell me what plane it is likely to be thanks

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