I remember reading on this forum about firstchoice giving extra weight allowance for diving equipment. How do you go about getting this, do i need to call firstchoice? Off to Cuba in june so want to get it sorted.
Give FCA a call (numbers here) and tell them you want to take your diving equipment and they'll book you an extra 10kg of allowance FOC. They'll send you a confirmation letter which you need to take with you to prove the allocation. You don't normally need the letter travelling from the UK, it's the inbound flight you might need it when the nice check-in agent gives you that look and say 'your luggage exceeds your allowance, excess baggage is is chaged at X pesos a kilo'. The letter comes in handy at that point! You'll also need your c-card at check-in although I've never been asked for it yet. Bear in mind no suitcase can be over 23kg so you'll have to take your diving equipment in a seperate case / bag. For more information, have a look through my trip reports:
MAN-VRA, FCA048 March 2006
VRA-MAN, FCA049 March 2006
MAN-PVR, FCA012 March 2007
PVR-MAN, FCA013 March 2007
Hi we are flying to Ibiza with fc in July with an infant we know they don't get a baggage allowence but after reading you can take diving equipment free of charge do you think they will do anything if I ring them?
If the infant has a PADI certificate or other diving qualification, I am sure that they may look kindly on your request for the additional allowance for their gear. I am surprised that you would be considering this though as I would not let my child dive without me doing so!
I think njc meant that she wanted the infant to have luggage allowance , instead of free of charge diving equipment . I might have read it wrong but thats how i saw it .
You can give them a call and ask, but the policy is unless you have purchased a seat for the infant (presuming they are under 24 months), then no luggage allowance is allocated.
Diving qualifications can come in handy sometimes, even when not diving on travels!
No she can not dive she is only 18mths!!! no I thought as they let people take dive equipment free they may let me have a little bit of extra baggage free.
her for free are you not ???
Ah - but you are already taking
No it is costing £30 actually!!! if you had a free child place you would get an allowence that is what gets me!!!
We are booked to fly to Punta Cana out of Gatwick on 30th April 2009 on a FC flight. but on the way back we are flying Thompson fly.
Is this normal, I know they have merged
Also its gives a 25kg luggage allowance, higher than the 23kg we were allowed this year flying SPC?
I emailed First Choice last week to ask them to confirm the luggage allowance for both classes and for both destinations, but as yet I have not had a reply.
Before I book my holiday, I really would like to know what the allowances for both classes will be.
The new airline will have 8 aircraft( 6 ex FC and 2 ex Thomson) as to which routes the different Thomson planes will operate has not yet been published, You will receive the same service on your outbound as you will on your inbound flight.
You will get more information closer to the time as to the name of the new airline, flight codes and any change's that may occur. The new name has not yet been released but for ease of information TUI have made all flights start with a TOM prefix post 01/05/09- It does not mean the new airline will be Thomsonfly.
Thank you BY-TOM-AMM-FCA.
Edited by
2008-05-03 09:42:39
Post edited for copyright reasons. Weblink inserted to replace text.
moved to flights forum
I can get the new IFE next week, if you check back around Friday I shall of got it for you by then (unless someone beats me too it)
Current IFE listings for FCA!
Has anyone experienced those new Aldo Zilli meals yet on FCA SCP? I'm flying to Aruba next month and apparently his meals aren't the best! Will they be much different to the meals I've had in SCP last year and the year before? Thanks!
had them on a short haul thomson flight last year.......NOT impressed

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