Hi all,
Is there anyone on this forum who works at FC?
Or, is here anyone who can please tell me how can I reach FC by phone? We have a very serious problem in contacting them.
I am from Bucharest, Romania, and when we have booked the holiday we were 5. Now another person would like to join us, but it seems is impossible to call them and make this modification
There is no way to call at the number from their website (0871 200 7799 )from abroad , simply it does not work(maybe because is a paid service).
They have sent me another number, which indeed works 00441617454001. A nice lady is answering, but cross my heart, today I have waited in the phone 34 minutes without answering anything. Then this nice lady answered again and told me, that she will try to make me a new connection. After 26 minutes of waiting at the phone I hanged up.
This is the second time it happens this way. I really don't want to pay hundreds of EUR, trying to contact them and to add another person (so more money for them)
This really drives me crazy. I am quite sure that they easily answer at first number which has higher rates, but from abroad this number cannot be called.
PS: I have tried by mail, and at some point someone answered, but directed me to the same impossible phone numbers as above!
Please help