Just went on web site to try and book a week in Corfu before my main holiday, there was no sign of there much publicised new route there, has it been withdrawn already
just wondering if there's any updates with this airline? They still dnt have their seating plan up for the summer, hopefully it comes soon.
having second thoughts on upcoming holiday after this '
The aircraft had an engine surge on departure is a fact. The flight crew dealt with this in a professional manner and had to of course to dump fuel as it would be to heavy to land.
Believe it or not engine surges can be fairly regular and the safety of the aircraft while obviously upsetting for the pax was never in any doubt despite the sensational reporting of the Scottish tabloid daily paper.
having second thoughts on upcoming holiday after this
Sensationalist rubbish. This was a well executed engine out procedure and was handled very well by the crew concerned. They've blown this well out of proportion. Instead of over-dramatising things, they should be commending the flight crew for handling the situation in a profrssional mannor.
Don't beleive this rubbish (and half of what you read in papers!!), and enjoy your flight knowing you are in safe hands.
I am interested in to how the Daily Record think the aircraft "plummeted" 20,000ff. In their article it states the aircraft was at 4000ft when the engine surge occured. So how can it plummet 20,000ft when it was only at 4000ft to start with!
It makes me mad that they can get away with publishing this bull. They should be congratulating the crew who acted very professionally to ensure all those people got on the ground safe and sound.
Interestingly The Herald also ran the story, however they are obviously a far more balanced and informed publication: http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/other/display.var.1941978.0.Emergency_landing_as_jets_engine_fails.php
And come to think about it - it was B757 - which cannot actually "dump" fuel...burn it up yes by flying around for 2 hours.....I think we are all really in agreement - and congrats to the crew.
thanks for that guys .....was worried for a bit there.
thanks for that guys .....was worried for a bit there.
Not a problem! It is very understandable that passengers would be concerned, a bang and some flames can never be easy to see on a plane, but engine surges do happen on jet engines. Pilots are highly trained to deal with these, and hundreds of other incidents and the Globespan crew handled this to the book and very professionally. I know I'd have no hesitation boarding one of their aircraft over the pond tomorrow.
I am Flying with Globespan twice this year and articles like the one in the daily record just infuriate me, they obviously know they are printing blatant sensationalism and lies and are knowingly doing untold damage to the airlines reputation. I have used Flyglobespan plenty of times before and will continue to use them as have a fair few of my friends and work colleagues, all of whom have only positive things to say about the airline, this company has been a boost to Scottish travellers and holiday makers as it has provided a genuine regular scheduled timetable to numerous destinations at a reasonable cost with no unfair supplements and provides what I have always found to be value for money. Flyglobespan is doing more for Scotland than the Daily Record and I can't believe they can get away with writing this tosh. Any way "Rant" over and everyone feel safe and secure about this airline I know I do, And Audbod have a great holiday.
They let down a lot of customers in the UK, Ireland and Canada, which did attract a considerable amount of fair and not so fair media attention in those countries. But there were of course many thousands of satisfied customers, whom we hear less about.
I think it is inevitable that the media will be watching the company closely this year, it is probably fair to say that the knives are already out. Incidents involving Flyglobespan aircraft will be reported (perhaps sensationalised) in the media, while identical incidents involving other airlines are ignored. That's the unfortunate nature of our media.
But I hope that 2008 will be a better year for Flyglobespan and their customers.

I had purchased 10kgs additional baggage allowance for the return leg. Their baggage allowance of 20kgs includes hand luggage. Our cases weighed exactly 20kgs each without the hand luggage (just a handbag and a backpack with the documents) and they didn't ask to weigh it so I could have save myself €25.


Check - You Tube it has a news report on the incident. Bit better reported than Daily Record.
The Daily Record has modified the story, removing the "plunges 20,000ft" headline, and references to said "plunge" from the article. There are also a fair few interesting comments at the bottom of the article. When you go to read all comments, there is a post from an actual passenger who praises Globespan and the crew for their handling of this situation...
I agree "enough said", but unfortunately the majority of people who read the initial article will never see the changed headline or replies on the net, damage has been done

I fly from Glasgow and have to stop in Edinburgh to collect passengers. Surely it would of been easier to put a bus on to transfer passengers instead I'll have to sit on the plane whilst the luggage and passengers board. It adds about 1.5 hrs to journey.
Anyone else had this happen?
Its a common occurance over the winter when flights are quiet
If they do this can you get all your money back if the change doesn't suit your circumstance? Where you offered a full refund Joolz
Yes I was offered a full refund but we were so looking forward to going we are still taking it. Got £40 odd refund

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