you haven't by chance stayed at The Kanta Hotel in P.E.K
Well I'm definetely not loaded, I just plan in advance, find the cheap deals and "Bob's ya uncle" so to speak

Sorry, never stayed at the Kanta before but I don't think you have anything to worry about, just enjoy

where are you staying roundasapound
I've found a 1 bedroom apartment in Monastir on the marina for £109.00, 1 week.
Never tried this particular apartment, but I try to stay somewhere different on each visit.
640,639 seconds
10,677 minutes (rounded down)
177 hours (rounded down)
1 week
cant wait...hope the weathers ok as its lookin a bit crap at the moment to say the least, although dont think il be spending too much time in the sun now anyway.. xxxxx
When I first started this thread there were 254 days to go - now there are considerably less than 254 hours to go!
Doesnt time fly!
Hope you have had fun with the date/duration counter!
Going in wednesday can not wait only 3 more days to go lol anyone else fly wednesday
I'm off on Wednesday 11th too. I'll be on the 8.30am from Gatwick. This time I'm staying with Chelsea Blue in an appartment in Sousse for a week. Then back again on 17th December for a week with my family at the Tour Khalef.
going on 22nd, changed my mind about the apartment, now will be staying at Prima Karawan Hotel in Sousse centre.
"staying at Prima Karawan Hotel in Sousse centre"
Hi trickypaul
4 and a half more sleeps for me!!! not sure il sleep much sat nite as we gotta check in at 4 sunday mornin.!!!
glad to hear you are still going michelle have a great time and all the best with the baby
thank you cherished. the doctor said id be fine to go as long as im careful what i eat and drink, so il take her word for it lol.!!
just hope the weather get abit better for us all looking a bit runny at mo
my thoughts exactly, although to be homest i really dont mind if its not THAT warm as i prob wont be able to hack it anyway lol. hope it does'nt rain tho.
10 more sleeps cant wait

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