Question:- If the official taxi fare is 10 Rs/km - then why do the taxi drivers charge 250 Rs for the trip from Candolim to Baga River (8km)?
Answer:- Because the stupid British tourists are daft enough to pay it!!!
All taxis were instructed to fit meters by February 2006. Ha Ha.
Before any of you bleeding hearts leap to the defence of your favourite taxi driver, you should be aware that the daily rate for a plumber or electrician is 150 Rs/day. At the rate the taxis charge - these guys earn more than a teacher or a professional engineer, even taking account of the short season.
You can hire a scooter for 200 Rs/day.
On THIS particular topic, there is a list of prices originating from Calangute (I'm sure the moderator will provide a link), so anyone printing that off will be armed with a rough idea of what to pay - failing that, agree on a price BEFORE you get in the cab. If it doesn't feel right, then just walk away......there'll be plenty other offers.
We scooter our way around for 100 rps/day, and only ocassionally take cabs. When we do, we haggle, haggle, haggle!!

I agree with you there. We had the misfortune that one of our grandchildren fell and knocked his eye, cost to see Doctor 100rps, chemist prescription 206rps and taxi driver 250rps to go approx 4 miles and back. Seems taxi drivers and airport workers are amonst the richest in the country. Towards the end we did start to haggle and halved what they were asking, their first reply was no, but turn around and start to walk, they will call you back and do it half price, give it a go.
Did you not think to ask the price before getting into a taxi? No use moaning later.
Rs200/day for a scooter, well you where ripped off, Rs150/day is the most I would pay for a legal scooter with less than 1000km on the clock, Rs100/day if more.
plenty of other taxis around.
You should the negotiate price before you set foot inside the taxi, as you would do in any other country. There should also be price list per mile/ km behind the sun visor. Don't do what my friends did last year, pay per person and not per taxi. Didn't someone post a link of the current going rate for taxi fares in Goa before? If you don't like the price there are as everyone says negotiate BEFORE you get in and lets face it theyre only trying to earn a living and personally what i find offensive is having to pay nearly £40 for not even a 15 min black cab ride from heathrow airport to my home in chiswick.
we have used the same young taxi driver( baloo ) for the last 3 yrs in goa & will be using him again in march. we met him our first trip & we have become friends with the guy & enjoy his company and for the sake of a few rupees we'd rather use him. we keep in touch by phone & every year my husb gives him his last mobile phone when his contract is out, baloo is always thrilled as its always a phone that is not available easily in goa & it means that he always has the latest & fanciest phone in the block, and if someone can use the phone instead of them cluttering up our house gathering dust thats got to be a good thing.

I have asked rob at cwt about a price list I know hes more than busy ...whats the chance of you sorting a price list out .....colleen
well i always always haggle or if i dont i just show a 50 or a 100 rupee note and say thats what i will give you i never pay more than 100 from candolim to baga and 50 for any other short journeys, my missus has said were silly paying prices like that when we can hop on a bus for about 5 rupees so thats what were going to be doing in March seeing as were in Thailand in Dec for our 25th we will be hitting all the cheapest places we know in candolim and calangute ahhhhhhh cant wait 74 days to go.
Paul and Anne
Can anyone out there recommend a scooter/jeep hire place in the South of Goa, could you also include prices or rough guide for both if possible.
Thanks David

A Lurker for 6 months.
I Now know goa better than the goanese themselves
Even been to the marinha dourada to check out our hotel aboard the google spaceship.
Travelling monarch 19th Jan from manchester.
6 months waiting is over...HAPPY DAYS!
In uk {not london} we charge 1.40 per mile.
Consequently in goa a third world county I would not expect to pay more than a fifth of this, so lets say for arguments sake about 25 a mile equivelant of about 30 rupees per mile.
So just 10 trips down to baga beach a day gets our honest goanese cabbies 300 rupees and as previously said is twice the daily rate of a plumber or sparks!
So why the 100 rupees and much more from say M douradha to baga beach ect.
Is it a case of greed or is it as malc says that the more tourists are willing to give the more the goans in general are willing to take!
Sounds like a really nice place to me and very shortly time will tell.
But one of the primary reasons I chose goa this time over say the carribean and all european destinations is the unbelievably fantastic cost of living.
Take that away and what do you have left?
IN my lurking days i have read amazing things and some unamazing things about goa.
Some of the unamazing things i hear HT'ers disscussing are
Bad sanitation
beach erostian
none stop hastle of touts..Even the lovely colleen succumed to them

Pisk poor and Substandard accomadation
Monarch airlines

If you were to combine the above with expensive prices i wonder how appealing the place would then be .
And who would suffer /
The goanese themselves and that would be a real shame as they seem such a great race of people with a proud proud heritage.
Sorry for waffling but HEY.. i am a cabbie
Anyway ..See you all on the beaches!
EASY I'll be the 15 stone HUNK OF NORTHERN [wobbly] FLESH in my well travelled "small to medium" pair of asda speedos complete with nipple ring and trance headband

8 days to go


You will love it but I think the correct term for Goanese

Read all your very informative posts and of your adventures in Vagator I think
But you are right I guess im going to love the "goenkars" immensly.
Never did catch the Magic Bus in the seventies.
All good things come to those that wait
Happy days !
for me a cab into liverpool costs ~£10 therefore an honest cabby can make £100/day. £600/week disregarding any short trips, the bread and butter of most taxi drivers.
just another point, Goa is not a country it is a state in India, and not third world by a long shot.

P.S. I will send the magic bus round to the MD for you if I can have my asda speedos back

This year I actually found the whole taxi experience is actually putting me off going back to Goa - especially the taxis in the Taj Holiday village, I never did use them the whole time I was there, but it did mean that sometimes we ended up walking into Candolim, when we'd rather not have. I refuse to pay the Rs 100 they were asking. ONe of the porblems is that thgere are plent of people that are happy to pay the stupid prices they are asking, so the taxi drivers weren't that bothered when I told them I wasn't willing to pay - they just shrug off the fact when you inform them of the official rate.

In TO Liverpool £10.00
Then another 9 trips @£10
=£100.00 plus all our small trips as well

OHhhhhh how we all wish
You would have every other single cabbie on the rank thinking you were having an affair with the phone dispacher

This is how a weekday probably would work for me...
School run special needs kiddies then home for bacon butties and jeremy kyle show.
But due to the fact that i am in training for goa it would be 2 double bacon and egg with brown sauce on a warbitons bap !

Jeremy kyle finishes and everones been lie detected then its off out to get some runs

typical runs on a week day in a small village would be say Gladys Posslethwaite to the chemist £2.00.
Nothing charged for the 10 minutes it takes getting her in and out of the cab and talking about the war and the good old days.....
So 30 mins later and 2 pounds richer i pick up Ena Shufflebottom and take her to the dentist to pick up her teeth.
Spend another 15 mins talking about denture fix and then its dinner time for me and nicely coinciding with the Trisha show...
£600.000 A WEEK Lezlie.... i think more chance of platting fog

Think ill become a goankan Cabbie and make me fortune.

This trip is on credit 3,000 weeks at 3/6d and then dig me up for the final payment..
Happy days ehh
This trip is on credit 3,000 weeks at 3/6d and then dig me up for the final payment..
Why Taximania thakyou for calling me the lovely colleen
Great Business name - youll have a fantastic time in Goa, especially with your great sense of humour!!

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