thanks for that Karen!
I will do! I will go and see them tomorrow morning as I feel that the reps are so busy that they have just dismissed this!
The village itself is incredibly busy not enough beds and def not enough parasols so if you are coming soon it may be worth bringing one of the portable ones you can get!
The bus service is fantastic here by the way - really cheap - number 120 to belamadena and back and costs one euro each way per person.
The suntan lotion in the hotel shop is very expensive and you can get it cheaper in the nearby towns. I will write a full report when I get back. The good the bad and the ugly!
I am going to HV on sat 2 jul with my 3 kids 13, 7, & 6. We are so looking forward to it even although there have been some negative thoughts on the place. I am of the opinion that a holiday is what you make it and i'm sure there are good and bad wherever you go!
We went to BBE in corfu in 2003 when it was in it's first year and yes there were teething problems but none to stop us enjoying our holiday! This holiday will be no exception!!!!!
Anyone going same time we fly from Manchester at 3pm
See you there
I have found my upgrade to AI sheet. If you are there for 11 days or more the prices to upgrade are: From 29.60 euro per adult and 17.80 euro a day per child. It is also possible to upgrade to half or full board from self cat. When i went to first choice on the Friday to complain it took until the following Thursday at 9pm to get them to fill in a report form, i was going home early the following morning, so you must persevere. karen
Does anyone know what the email address of the Holiday Village is please? I have a query which hopefully they can sort out...
I contacted the holiday village through the VIP Club. You should be able to contact the hotel at They were very helpful when I contacted them to request a cot in the room. For anyone going don't worry about these negative reports. I was there last year and the hotel was a superb place for a family holiday which is why I am making a return visit on Sunday.
Can anyone tell me if the Lions games have been shown in the hotel. I will be at the holiday village for the 3rd test and don't want to miss the game. If it wasn't shown in the hotel can anyone tell me the location on the nearest bar that might show the game. It's a 9:10am spanish time kick off. Hopefully someone can help.
I didn't watch any of them, but there was a notice on the reps board showing the times at which the Lions games were being shown in the cinema room when I was there a couple of weeks ago. I'm sure they're still showing them (they also showed the F1 GP there).
Also do they supply bottled water for your room or do you have to buy your own!!!!
3 sleeps to go
Yes you do get bottled water in the room, however, it goes quickly as it is only the small 33cl bottle. The Lions games were shown in the Cinema.
By the way, if you want to see how upset people are with FC, you should have alook at the Pegasus palce forum in the Turkey section
The staff always replace up to this level, so if you haven't drunk all the previous day's, take it out of the fridge and put it in a cupboard. Then when the guy comes round to stock your fridge you will get a full set again.

Also has anyone hired a car for a day or two from the HV yet? did you do it through FC or independently? would be interested to find out if there is any difference..

Yes they were doing the footy coaching in May, there seemed to be loads doing it, sorry dont know how much. To the person asking about water, we were on AI and you can get water for free from some of the bars, dont know about now as the entertainment is outside, but the snack bar did free water aswell. karen
Re: water - when we were there in early June, they were doing bottled water from the pool bar, but stopped this about 1/2 way through the first week. From then on they just gave out cups (but on AI you could get small or large and as many as you needed). This was fine unless you wanted to take water out with you on a trip!
You just do what we did, fill an empty plastic bottle with the water and store in the fridge. karen
Sorry to be a pain but nobody has replied to my Q about the car hire
dasmith ... there are numerous topics about car hire separate from this Holiday Village topic. Perhaps it may be worth looking at those, or else posting separately in the forum.
dasmith, if you read back a few pages it was mentioned, and the parking charges at HV. Sorry, we did not hire a car. karen
Thanks for the info about the lions games. That is excellent news. Thanks for taking the time to respond. My son will be very happy.

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