just another one.just read thatr slushes arent included in AI...... ? hmmm well im drinking one now?? from AI bar,,,,,,,, lol must be a figment of my imagination then eh??
macc, glad your having a good time, slushes were free from the pool bar but if you got one from the piano bar you had to pay for them, enjoy........karen
Glad to hear some positive reports coming from the HV as we go in 3 weeks. Tried without success to contact First Choice with my concerns but they have not replied to any of my requests. Does anyone have any up-to-date pics? Getting quite excited now - roll on the 30th!
Nice to see some GOOD VIBES comming straight from HV. About time time too, A HOLIDAY is what you make it sometimes you may need to complain but its the 2 WEEKS that all have been waiting for so ENJOY..........

The slushes were charged at 3 Euros when I went I have the bills to prove it but I think it depends on the bar staff also as I had a few free ciders when I went!

But I must say my kids had a great time and we made some nice friends there including one of the Reception Staff!

Two things I would like to point out for people due to go! The lifts are decidedly dodgy but use the ones in the middle of the complex and for parents who like to have a drink in the evening (like we all do) try to ensure the kids don't make too much noise as there was a few of us with young kids who couldn't get to sleep until 1.00 am for the noise of the children playing tag and screaming in the main area!

Exactly it's great to hear some positive stuff!! Mark, perhaps we'll see you there - 5 weeks on Saturday to go!!!
I agree! good to hear some good reports coming out of the HV. I was starting to get a tad apprehensive! We're determined to have a brilliant time though. as long as the kids are havin a good time, then we will too! We go on 14th August from brum. See some of you there! I'll be the one who looks like a bright red cherry after a couple of days!!!
hi, sorry if this has been asked before...but at breakfast is orange juice included in th AI. thanks
Orange Juice is included in all inclusive but it tastes more like squash - there is also pineapple, apple and a mixture of pineapple and grapefruit. The best oj is at the pool bar, really thick and icy!
Where about did you get your wallet stolen?? Was it your room???
PS not that important but are the pool towels you get quite big??? Ta again
Yes from our room - and the pool towels are big and of good quality you can change them twice a day if you so wish you can also take them to the beach club!
Was the wallet stolen from the safe and if so what did the hotel say i'm sure you could claim for that ?

Have you got a phone number for any one who has been to call just for quickness?
I am not sure if i can put this on here, but here goes, if it gets removed just pm me and i will send it. 0870 901 6522- customer services, but you must back it up with a letter.
I have phoned that number and I did leave my little niggles - they said they would look into it!

We are entitled to our opinions, but "food verging on good to very good", I must have been staying in a different place! I can concur with the comments about the orange juice at Breakfast, it comes out of machines and relies on concentrate being mixed with chilled water, tap water, when the concentrate runs lows you get something that resembles the colour of wee-wee after 10 pints of cheap Spanish lager, which of course is included in the AI deal, just ask for it "con Lima", with lime, it will take the edge off it and make it almost drinkable.
I think it depends what you like to eat, my hubby got fed up with the food after the first week, but i was quite happy with it, it was nice that i hadn't had to make it, i enjoy salad, potatoes, fish etc so i was impressed with the amounts and variety on offer. The puddings were lovely, but again Rich thourght the same as you,Andy, that the food could have been better fo a 4*. As it was just for 2 weeks, i enjoyed the rest from cooking. Macc, is having a good time over there, i hope he enjoys the 2nd week as much as the first.

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