Welcome back!!!
I have been following the postings on here with interest having been one of those who went last year. Like you, we toyed with changing our holiday because of the problems with the BC (along with Cookie and Gomez) but stuck with it. As Carol keeps trying to point out to people, everyone is entitled to their opinion, a holiday is what you make it etc. etc. Gomez, Cookie and I (along with our very wide mixed ages of children) had a brilliant time - our main gripe was the location. Keep an open mind and you will enjoy.
I speak fluent Spanish and it certainly did help us whilst at the complex (mainly at reception) but was far more beneficialy outside!!! We were there at this time last year and there was certainly some times when people were not being very particular about clearing up after themselves but we have stayed in 5* and had far worse.
Re the beds: This is mainly an English only hotel but we were in a 5* in Rhodes and got locked in every night from Midnight until 8 am to stop people "bagging" all the beds and parasols. What a health and safety risk that was!!! No food in the restaurant within an hour of opening and nothing else to fill the empty trays with!! A raging forest fire within spitting distance of the hotel and no evacuation!
Relax; it will be a breeze!!!!

We visited the HV twice over the weekend, both times just walking in and either meeting our son in reception or going up to his room. There is a security guard on the drive up to the hotel who checks vehicles in but otherwise anyone can walk in and, more importantly - USE THE FACILITIES FREE OF CHARGE! Although my son was all inclusive my husband and I bought everyone burgers etc. at lunch time and on the second day we went in the pool and even found three loungers, although that was real luck as they all get "booked" with towels from about 8.00am, even though they shouldn't be. We walked across to the Beach Club but didn't stay long as there was a long queue in a restaurant and also what little shade there was by the pools was all taken up and it was VERY hot. I think the Holiday Village management could do with adding quite a lot more umbrellas in the main complex as there was a lot of wasted space by one of the bars near the pool and some extra shade would have been very welcome. I also think something needs to be done about the flooring near the pool as it was VERY slippery and I saw several people either slipping or walking very carefully. Considering the complex is only about a year old I think some parts of it were rather "tatty", either having deteriorated or more likely not having been done properly in the first place.
The apartment was nice, with a very big bathroom and a shower in the bath as well as another shower in the corner. There was a small kitchen and the lounge was quite narrow but the bedroom was fairly large. There was a large balcony looking over the pool and the sea, which was very lucky considering the lateness of the booking, as one half of the hotel appeared to have views over the mountains and nearby railway line. There IS a little beach within a few hundred yards but it's gritty sand and there are quite a few small stones and pebbles in the water which would make it very painful on the feet.
Having seen what we saw at the Holiday Village I wouldn't want to stay there although younger people would find it more appealing. My son's little boy is just under two but I think it would be better for older children as there was more for them in the way of activities and play equipment.
So, to sum up, if anyone is staying somewhere else and wants to try out the facilities of the HV then just walk in!
We are planning to go to Tivoli World, Sea World and the cable cars so we hope to get out and about a bit. Do you know if the train that is close by goes to Benelmadena and should we use this instead of the bus. Also, how do you get to the station?
Take a right out of HV and follow the footpath alongside the main road. After approx 15 minutes(ish) you will come to Carvajal train station which is up some steps and immediately after a Mexican furniture store.
The train will take you to Benalmadina(Arroyo de la miel) and within a few minutes walk of both Tivoli world and the cable cars. You can also get the train to Malaga and Fuengirola.
It's worth noting that the Fuengirola train station is right next to Fuengirola's excellent bus station, so if you're feeling slightly energetic and want to visit somewhere like Mijas, you can get the train to Fuengirola from Carvajal, then hop on the bus to Mijas (every 20 mins or so bus stop directly in front of bus station). Then get bus back from Mijas to Fuengirola and get train or taxi back to HV.
If you want to get into the Marina of Benalmadina for the sea life centre're best off getting the bus (number 120) or a taxi, as it's quite a walk from Benalmadina train station to the harbour.
Either security has totally lapsed from last year or you were very lucky.
Last year there was absolutly no chance of anyone whom was not staying in this hotel of gaining access. We have friends who live in Benalmadena and we couldnt even ask them up to see our room actually they didnt even come any where near the complex because we knew they wouldnt get in.
Thanks Quakermass. Information gratefully received.
Myself and my 3 children 13, 7 & 6 returned from the HV on Sat after spending 2 weeks in absolutley baking hot sunshine!!!!! The kids had an absoulte ball,,, they loved every minute of their holiday even when i had them traisping around Fuergirola market!!!!!! We Spent most of our time at HV but we also explored a little of nearby Benalmadena and Fuergirola (market & Zoo). Although Zoo was a lot smaller than expected it was very interesting and they do put on an exhibition and if your child is lucky enough they could be picked to feed a baby deer (just like bambi).
I found no problems whatso ever with maid service,,,, if i put my towels in the bath they were changed every day, bed linen was changed at least 3 times a week!! As for things being stolen from room i didn't hire the safe my daughter had often left her phone and money lying beside the bed, and my valuables were kept in a drawer in the lounge nothing was ever taken.
there is cctv cameras everywhere so it would be so easy to see who is coming and going form the rooms!!!!
The entertainment staff were great especially Jason he was definatley the right guy for the job!!!!! Make sure you buy your bingo tickets I won 3 times while on holiday and bagged myself an extra 300 euros!!!!!! and that was for the lines!!!!!
Didn't have a problem with sunbeds at all even at 1 or 2 in the afternoon! Although if you did want a paprasol you had to be there by at least 9am.
The only things i would say that needed attention were lack of shading at poolside bar all seats are directly in the sun,,,, so you couldn't sit by the pool bar to have a drink or eat unless you wanted to bake!!! and not enough activities for the more big kids (like me 36) lol
And the food sometimes was a little cold,,,, especially if you go when it's busy,,, between 7.30 and 8.30 cos you have to queue so by the time you have been round all the dishes and get back toyour table as the food wasn't hot to begin with it could be freezing by time you sit down!!!!
Irish bar is a family bar but you have to pay for your drinks after midnight,,,,, cost 10 euros for 2 drinks!!!!!!
Final comment if like me you have to checkout at 12 and your not geting picked up till 5 or later,,,, ask someone to help you out with getting you drinks and food,,, and if like me you are realy lucky they would let you share there room so you could get a shower before the coach came!!!!
We had a great time but then maybe we are esaily pleased but i have the view that i am on holiday to enjoy myself and am not going to spend all my time complaing and moaning about things that are far worse in some of our hotels and bars back home!!!!!!!
Sorry to go on but just a quick note about security at entrance to hotel!!!!! It was very difficult to get into the hotel if you werent a guest staying there!!!!! That lady that just walked in must have been so so lucky!!!!! maybe your son or daughter distracted the scurity guards attention while you sneaked passed him or you hid in the boot of his car!!!!!
Quite a few people were coming and going throughout the time we were there. The only way over to the Beach Club was from inside the complex so they were more than likely going to wait for the bus. Perhaps the guards on duty those two days had got fed up with stopping everyone who came in and out - who knows? Maybe if we tried it again we wouldn't be so "lucky". Also, as there are self catering guests some weren't wearing wristbands so perhaps the management should issue a different one for self catering, perhaps twice as wide or a distinctive colour so the guards could tell at a glance who wasn't wearing one. Oh well, they'll learn sometime I suppose.
I was there last year, and a couple that we met had family living further up the coast; they had no problems coming in, and using the facilities at HV. They weren't stopped, or questioned during the 3 days that they came in.
Hi, Is the Irish bar for family's this year? i was there last year and it was adults only...asking as going in acouple of weeks
Sorry Macc
We stayed at Holiday Palace last year and regularly walked in and around HV - the difficult bit was getting past the guard on the main gate which allows access to Holiday Palace as well - we always had to have our entrance pass with us. There is a main entrance from the road to the beach club but that was fiercely protected last year - no pass no entry! Adults had to show one pass each, it wasnt enough just to show one per family.
has anyone been to the the holiday village benalmedena, whats it like? thinking of going all inclusive, woul like to hear from anyone who has stayed there, what is the food like, and is the accomodation all right
Has anyone been this year who was there last year? Is it as good?
The reviews for the HV in Majorca look good - has anyone been to both, which one would you recommend?
HELP - We really want to book before the Free child places run out but we dont know what to do!

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