Returned from Club Mac - we stayed in the Saturno hotel. Overall, a great place...if you have kids. First night I was there, I picked my plate up from the table wondering where to put it, only for it to be whipped from my hand from a smiling waitress. They really cannot clear up any faster than they already do. Plenty of staff on hand to clear tables, and replace with new tablecloth and cutlery for the next people.
Lifts were problematic quite often - mainly at peak times. You know, when people pack up from the pool side and go to get ready for the night etc. Very regularly there was a lift out of order and queues soon built up.
I could go on forever about the positives....good pools, great First Choice childcare and staff (hello Crazy Carla and Silly Jilly if you're both reading!), plenty of dedicated areas (gaming, eating, drinking, swimming, playing, resting), lots of hard working staff often jolly and going with the flow and actually looking as though they enjoy their jobs.
Though one dampner I have to mention is the blatant attempt of the hotel to try and persuade people to their rooms. The circus stage finishes at about 11.30pm, and all bars close at spot on midnight. 15 mins later, if you have decided to stockpile the drinks and sit about socialising with other holiday makers, you are plunged into darkness. Quite a rude way of saying "hurry up and get to bed" imo.
We live in a 24hr community these days, and to be on holiday and for you to be indirectly ushered to bed is not what I would expect in a holiday atmosphere. There should have been at least one 24hr bar where people could pay for drinks after time has been called.
Overall, a nice place, very atmospheric (when the 'lights are on'!), lots to do, plenty of food/snacks available.