Absolutely superb.
Many changes even since last year. Tis is the 3rd time there, and every year it gets better. Snacks during day and night have improved. (now the burger bar has 5 or six different burgers and nuggets etc constantly available as well as two different style of chips -in wee chutes like MacDonalds, which are filed up by the cooking staff. This means plenty available at all times, and no queues.It is open until midnight also. Ths Jupiter still serves late breakfast and daytime snacks - kebabs, baked potataoe, sausages etc.)
We like the 'slightly quieter' Saturno stage (as we get served quicker!) and it was superb once again. Elvis was a great night (Mondays).
Th Circus Stage had the usual Drifters/Four Tops etc, and they have made more subsatntial bars round there, as opposed to last years portacabins.
Absolutely fantastic time once again .
(only downer was being trapped by the 'incident ' at Glasgow Airport. We were escorted around the runway and 'locked in' the departure gates from 3pm until 1 am on Sunday morning.

boy it was hot with all them bodies. Then bussed to SECC, where we spent the night like war time refugees, and were then bussed back to airport - only to be refused entry once again and turned away. Our tour rep. arranged a Conference Room in the Glasgow Hilton - where 57 of us spent all day Sunday getting refreshments and sandwiches. Eventually flew out 11.30 Sunday evening.)