Sorry can't do the quotes thingy but just taking DaveWales point about the cost
of flights being so expensive, I think £500 - £600 is pretty reasonable, I think the lowest I have paid was about 15 years ago and it was around £300. I have just priced up the cost of a return train ticket from Hereford to Gatwick - thats coming out around £130 - £140 - just a basic seat and thats it. Comparing it with a comfortable flight on Qatar from the UK all the way to Goa with the latest in flight entertainment, free food with plenty of choice, free drinks, seems like a pretty good deal to me. You can rent a really nice apartment in Goa for under £10 per night.
The quotes thingy is quite easy, copy what you see (ie your post ) then paste it on to your reply. Highlight the lot by keeping your finger on the Control button and sweeping over the text with your mouse. When the post is all highlighted click on the Quote button you can see above the entry. Well explained ? Probably not !!!!
Anyway, in reply I still think that if you pay £600 for a flight and short term stay ( standard 2-3 week holiday) in a £10 per night lodging, (which isn't going to be that good if we are honest), are you getting a good deal compared to say, Gambia where you can get a decent 3-4 star hotel included with the flight for the same amount or less. ( We are paying £700 each for three weeks)
Yes I know, we love Goa too and that's why on:-
Our upcoming trip to Goa we are flying Qatar again but instead of going from Manchester which is far more local we fly from Gatwick as we saved £250 on the flight price when booked.( Paying £450 each versus £350 from M/C last year) Luckily there was an offer with Premier Inns at £29 per night right on the doorstep of the terminal. You quote the train ticket prices from Hereford as £130-£140 but if you try looking at you will find that by booking in advance you can save a fortune. We have booked single tickets each way, 12 weeks in advance of travel and are paying a total of £60 for two people, including reserved seats, from North Wales. I save on the petrol and parking at Manchester which is roughly the same amount !
Haven't been on a train for years and looking forard to sitting back with a bottle of fizzy and starting the holiday in style !