Thought provoking post. Goa today bears no relation to the Goa of our first visit 20 or so years ago. The pace of change gets more marked every year. Traffic for instance, we stay at the foot of Holiday St in Calangute, and walk up it most evenings, to some of the restuarants in that area for dinner. A pleasant stroll at one time, but now a risky one, especialy as you turn into the main road at DayTrippers office. Last November a little Goan girl walking with her dad immediatley in front of us got sideswiped by a passing scooters wing mirrer, and got a broken arm, two evenings later we witnessed another crash involving a scooter and a bus. Not really what you want to see on what was once a pleasant stroll
Lots of people we got to know over the years have gone now, Ive noticed lots of the regular posters here from years gone by have disappeared too
For lots of reasons we all know, it's changing year on year, and not , in my opinion, for the better. We'll be back again in November, but now I dont know for how much longer. Five or so years ago I could'nt imagine moving on from Goa, but now with each passing season, the allure of it all, gets less and less.