I am going to Kefalonia for the first time in August, staying at the Marketos Apartments in Svoronata. I would be grateful for any info on the apartments or the area in general. Also, is it best to hire a car before we go or wait until we get there?
I've been looking on this website that someone recommended - http://www.kefaloniathewaytogo.com/ there's a message board too.
Also - try this one as this is where I found our apartments and I've had a quick look and yours are on there too - http://www.justkefalonia.co.uk
Hope that helps.
hi we went in august over the bank holiday. it was very quiet but very hot. its a great island we were at the tara beach in skala twice and enjoyed it very much. have a great time and enjoy yourselves.
Tara Beach, your lucky it was lovely there arent they the one with th e pool in the front? used to go for a swim there
There is a good page on Svoronata on the Friends of Kefalonia site
Stayed at Marketos in September last year. Our apartment was lovely. Really clean and quite big. The pool area is lovely. It was never crowded. The family who run the apartments were really friendly and hold a barbecue with Greek dancing for all the guests each week. I wasn't really keen on this idea at first but it was a really enjoyable night in the end.
Svoronata is really pretty and very peaceful. Only a handful of restaurants and one bar called 'Crazy George's'. Don't let the name put you off, it was actually really nice. We didn't have a car and there are 2 beaches which are about a 30 minute walk away. I'm sure if you have a car you will find lots of nicer beaches and things to keep you busy but we just wanted to relax and it was the perfect place for that. I would definitely go again.
hi im looking to book a hotel or apartment in lassi kefalonia at the begining sept 2005, but we want somewhere thats not too far from the centre of lassi and not too expensive! has anyone got any recommendations? much appreciated.
First Choice and Kosmar have lots of apartments in Lassi but some of them are quite a way from the centre and the beach and often situated quite high up. We have stayed at the White Rocks Hotel in Lassi but it is very expensive.Why not consider Skala instead. It is nice and peaceful with a beach and lots of places to eat. Skala is much more attractive than Lassi.
thank you for the information, but our friends are getting married in lassi, so this is why we are limited to the areas we can stay, but thanks again!
Ah! In that case you want to be in Lassi. Have a look at First Choice and also Kosmar - or maybe book a diy - there are numerous flights to Kefalonia and also plenty of accommodation sites. Lassi is only 10 minutes or so from the airport so getting to your accommodation shouldn't be a problem. If you want to hire a car - driving in Kefalonia is very easy.
thanks! do you know any of the sites i can visit to find the flights and accomodation? it will be a great help!
Hope you find what you want Bev - would not recommend the Irelena(think thats how it is spelt) Hotel it was absolutely terrible when we were there last year - reards Ann
thanks for the advice ann, that will definately be one i wont choose then!
As for flights - you could try the usual charters such as excel, first choice, thomas cook and britannia(thomsons) - these all have flight only sites with prices for 2005. General flight only sites are flightline and avro but they probably will not have prices yet for next year.
Having given you this info - one of the cheapest Greek package operators is Kosmar although because they don't have their own airline the flight times are subject to change (and frequently do). Thomas Cook have very good discounts for 2005 at the moment as do First Choice.
Hope this helps,
havnt even been on this years hol yet (go next week) and im panicking about next years!
thanks again
We book a 2-3 studio as the rooms for 2 are a bit like living in a coffin.
The rooms are basic but who expects luxury from a cheapish appartment.
I believe they have prices for 2005 on the web site
Had a look at excel for flights and they would come out at about £180 per person - Britannia is a similar price. If you could find some reasonable accommodation I think it may work out cheaper to do a diy holiday - apartments in Greece are not usually that expensive as they are nearly always fairly basic.
thank you for going to the trouble to look these up, it is much appreciated! I will take a look at kosmar and excel to see what i can come up with, im not sure whether to leave it a bit later before booking, do you think i'd get it any cheaper if i did this?

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