Thanks kind Sir. Done the sums and mentioned it to my Daughter who says it is my decision and not hers.
So there I have it. Ali is off tomorrow so I will continue to mull it over. There is till plenty of availability!
Teletext QM2 offer for July 6 nights T/A plus 2 nights at the Millennium Hotel £899
On Wednesday you mentioned you had seen NCL Jewel on teletext for £499. If you can remember who it was who was advertising this price, could you please post. Nothing lost if you can't remember. Thank you. Sally
I'd need to have another look at the Teletext1
Some fantastic deals for May and June with Norwegian. Example is Jewel on May 29th, 12 nights from Dover to the Baltic, inside cabin $1098 (£550 approx.) and balcony $1249 (£630 approx.) which is just fantastic ! These prices are with all add ons included. Plus you get $75 onboard credit !!
Sale starts Monday 5th May - be quick !
You have to join the site for these rates but it costs nothing.
Some fantastic deals for May and June with Norwegian. Example is Jewel on May 29th, 12 nights from Dover to the Baltic, inside cabin $1098 (£550 approx.) and balcony $1249 (£630 approx.) which is just fantastic ! These prices are with all add ons included. Plus you get $75 onboard credit !!
Sale starts Monday 5th May - be quick !
You have to join the site for these rates but it costs nothing.
First I no longer see that £499 offer on the teletext..
Offers with
1 Grand Princess 26th May 12 night Rome to home Rome back to Southampton £599
2 QE2 15th June Idyll Isles Southampton to the Canaries 10 nights £649
Offers with Voyana still for the QM2 T/A 9th May £549 Ny to Southampton 1 night hotel NY
2nd June 6 nights £599
New offer Oceania cruises 14 nights 23rd July Med Venice end Barcelona £1099 Insignia
31st July 12 nights Istanbul doing all the Greek Island ending Rome £1099
12th August 12nights Rome to Athens £1149.
For someone wanting a quieter more upmarket cruise ships small 650 or so passengers. Open seating dinner with 3 restaurants. I have been having a look at their web site. Looks good.
Sorry Oceania offers are with Voyana
Thank you for looking. This cruise is not for me, its for friends of mine who have never cruised and I think it is something which they would enjoy. Virgin holidays are offering it at £599 inside and 649 OV. I would have gone on the one leaving on the 29th, but I will be returning from the Noordam on that day so not doable I'm afraid. I have to say there are some raving bargains kicking about though.
QE2 I could get 10 night to the Canaries for just around £1000. The Grand Princess I could get for £940 but there is a problem with a flight out to Rome. I could do a flight from Leeds with Jet2 and then back from Southampton but I am not very sensible where these things are concerned.
Yes you are right for anyone who is not too concerned then it is all there for the taking.
Thanks for you reply and sorry it is no go for the Jewel.
I could help you every step of the way if the problem is getting from Rome to Civitevecchia. Also we have done the Southampton trek home a good few times now. Usually use megatrain from Southampton up to London (Waterloo) £2.00 then a cheapie from Kings Cross home. A friend has just booked Independance of the Seas (20th September, 2008) Promenade cabin so basically an inside with a window, and the single supplement has made the fare £2300! Ouch (Personally, I think he is crackers and should have waited til nearer the time as he can go anytime) It will be his first cruise.
The problem there is a flight on the Saturday am at 08.45 but I think I would prefer to be there the night before. I normally stay at Jury's Inn which is reasonable around £65+ or thereabouts. A taxi to the city from the Airport and it is just a short taxi ride to the port.
I missed my TA today as she was busy the twice I called. I emailed her and she has emailed me back so I will speak to her tomorrow. I have decided that life is too short and if you want something just do it. If I went with another Company I might spend all the time comparing it my gracious Queen
Your friend it is a lot for RCCL and I do think there will be offers for this ship bound to be. With Ventura in direct competition also Voyager and then all the other ships. All companies are feeling the pinch.
Thanks for you advice. Enjoy your own travels.
Have a look at these prices. That's $199 for 5 nights!
DJ/TUX for £50
(BTW missed the 1 day price drop sale on the Jade 29th June while we were away, looking for the next drop so please post if you see one)
The trick with these is to string a few together to make a longer cruise to get value out of the flights
A lot of these shorter trips need days off work for those of us that still work.
When I looked at the web site there are no single inside rooms and rooms that were available on other grades ranged were at crazy prices!!!
I have now put my plans on hold and hope to get something booked for later in the year. I am very disappointed but my friend would not cruise alone and so I will wait reluctantly>
Thanks for the hotel info. Looks very basic but it would only have been for a stopover. It was available.
They have plenty of Inside Guarantees for 2 pax rooms, it's back to the real prices if you need a family room. I think I am going to book a B2B on 10May and 15 May.
I think I may have found a bargain or at least it looks like it. For Celebrity Summit on the 27th August. Will need to look further but it could do for a 12 night for me. Not cheap but a lot cheaper than other TA have it at. Voyana Cruises.
keela1eva2 wrote:What a good idea. £200 for a 10 days trip. Sadly it looks like its to try and fill the ship but so what if you visit the same ports again.
Closer to £300 with tax and fuel, cheap flights this late likely not to be rock bottom, but still a bargain.
I welcome these deals and they will start to go to "no single sup" if they don't fill so you should keep an eye out for them by checking on-line sometimes they don'r advertise these deals.
A lot of US people on the Connie last week, took late deals B2B wth the TA and cheap cruise Air, thy are geting worried about the costs of coming over the pond as fuel prices go up and the $ cans, many are talking about booking later than normal to try and pick up deals we are going to see a lot more late availability on the run of the mill cruises this year.

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