7 weeks tomorrow and we will be sunning ourselves in Cala Bona

Enjoy everyone who is going out in the next couple of weeks

Lou x
Hya Lou - 7 weeks - I'l be well jealous when you go as I'll have been back home nearly 5 weeks by then and my holiday will be nothing more than a dream!
Is any body going to holiday village viva, can picafort Majorca in the next few days or weeks. Please get in touch

Hi Tis

You are nearly in single figures on your count down

Hope the rain stays off for anybody going out in the next couple of days

Had a look at the hotel Bonemar, very impressed, very clean, staff were friendly. We were able to look at a room, liilte small but immaculate.
7 more sleeps for us!
Praying that the other 2 don't come down with it or if they do that it's within the next 48 hours so it's well and truly out of the way before we fly!
Oh and the weather forecast for Manacor looks shocking - rain Saturday, Sunday & Monday - please God can it get it over and done with then so we have 2 weeks of glorious sunshine while we're there!!!!!
One twin over sickness - the other has JUST started (house now like a Chinese Laundry) so expecting eldest to start tomorrow and knowing our luck me and DH will get it over the weekend!
And if one forecast is anything to go by, him upstairs has a very strange sense of humour - it's showing rain Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri AND Sat!
JUST what I needed to see! I'll be packing my chuffing wellies along with kagools and brolly at this rate!

Hi Tis, I should be talking to my boyfriend tomorrow evening so will ask him what the weather is like in Cala Bona for you. Hopefully the forecast will be wrong - the one I've seen seems to be clear on Monday/Tuesday so I'll keep my fingers crossed!! Louise
Hi From Scotland!! We're off to Majorca on the 26th June, haven't been for 10 years. Can anyone tell us where's the best place for car hire, preferably an open top jeep.
Orley - you're probably better stating where you're staying and/or if you want to pick up from airport or in resort. Someone should be able to help you- we don't drive abroad so can't help you. Have a great time!
we usually wait until we get to our hotel. You will find plenty of car hire places around. We don't use the rep. for much but sometimes we have booked a car through them. At least you know it will be a reputable company. Have a great time.
It's not a 'good' break so have to see what the RVI say on Monday morning and keep everything crossed that it will be okay with splint otherwise we've got major problems!
I know it could be worse, I know it's only his finger but I feel so fed up at the moment

grandson fractured his little finger and all they did was to strap it to the next one, so your son should be ok for swimming. Mind you, if he's like most of the male population he'll milk it for all the sympathy he can get!!!
Hi Tis, at least they are getting it out of their systems (literally!!) before the holiday rather than on holiday! Spoke to my boyfriend earlier, he said they had a bit of rain this morning in Cala Bona but the beach bar was still busy. The weather can't have been that bad or everyone would stay off the beach?!?!? The forecast i've seen looks as though Cala Bona will be OK Monday, should escape the rain Tues, but could be wet on Wed. Hopefully it will blow a bit further south and stay dry the rest of the time for you. Have a great hol, may see you there - you'll be even easier to spot if your son has a splint on his hand!! Louise
I rang ward this morning and explained we'd been told to go tomorrow but I was worried as we were flying to Majorca on Tuesday and very nice nurse said we can go down this morning so we'll be leaving in about 20 minutes and see what the Plastics team have to say. Fingers crossed everyone (no pun intended).
Louise - thanks for the weather reports - it does help when there's someone in resort who can tell it like it is. Where does your boyfriend work? Yes, I've no doubt we'll be easier to spot now - I will be the extremely harrassed one watching little one with splinted finger like a hawk!
Edited by
2008-05-26 07:58:32
Break wasn't good so he had to have a general anaesthetic to manipulate it and he's now got a whacking big metal splint covering his 2 fingers down to his wrist! They've said he'd be okay to travel and have given us a fit to fly letter so the holiday's going ahead so long as Jet2 and travel insurance are okay but I am now wondering what sort of holiday the poor wee man is going to have as we've been told not to get it wet and try not to get sand in it.
Part of me thinks we should just stay at home but we've all been looking forward to it - I just don't know what to think!
My head's absolutely battered so I'm off to bed. Tis

What a terrible couple of days you have had

It sound's like to me that you need a holiday

Go and have a great holiday and I want to hear all about it when you come back

Hope your son isn't in too much pain ... i'm sure the holiday will take his mind off it

Lou x

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