Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
nile cruises
597 Posts
this year we are going back to egypt & we are going on a nile cruse :D . then second week back to sham. we are staying on the ms sun ray, if anyone has been on this boat any info would be most gratefull.
Ladies and Gents,

Just wanted to thank you all for posting so much information. My girlfriend and I have already booked our Nile Cruise, but don't go until November. Neither of us can wait to go.

As I said, just wanted to thank you all for the information that you have all posted. It has been very helpful in our planning, even at this early stage.

Many thanks.

I am off on a Nile Cruise on 15 May 2006 on the Grand Sun Cruise booked with Airtours.

Does anyone have any info on this cruise as it would be much appreciated to get any tips.


I am considering a two week break in August ( school holidays) and would like to spend a week cruising the Nile and visiting the sights etc.. followed by a weeks snorkelling at a Red Sea resort. I would like to hear from anybody who has done this or would like advice on the best way to do this. I usually make my own travel arrangements but would probably consider using an agent as I have not visited this area before. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
You will find this type of two centre holiday on offer in most TA brochures, If it’s you first time to Egypt it may be the best way of doing things. You should also read all the sections on this forum that deal with Nile Cruises, they will give you a very good idea of the different boats on offer. It should also answer most of your queries regarding dress codes, food & drink, cruise itineraries etc. If you do the same for the Red Sea links you will get similar information on the resorts and the hotels. After doing that you will have a better idea of what you want to do for your holiday. You can then start to ask more specific questions regarding your chosen boat, hotel & resort. :D
Most nile cruises seem to start in Luxor and sail down to Aswan and back again. I want to know if there are any nile cruises that visit Cairo in order to give you a chance to vist the pyramids. I am planning on a 14 day holiday in Egypt but would also like to visit Sham / Nuweiba coast.
I'm pretty sure there are no cruises that allow you to visit Cairo. However, you can take a day trip by air from Luxor or take the sleeper train. With the train you arrive Cairo early morning about 5 am. & return train to Luxor is about 8 pm. This would give you plenty of time to see the pyramids, sphynx, museum & maybe more. If you need any more info send a PM or post again on this forum.
Can someone supply me with any information/photo's of the MS Saray.

Also has anyone used the prepaid travel cards supplied by Travlex. Not sure what format I should take money to Luxor and for a 7 night cruise. People keep telling me to take cash only, but I am worried about this getting lost or even stolen.

Any advice would be a great help :?
Hi Polaris66,
Do not take cash only! That would be putting all your eggs in one basket.
Take £ (sterling) travellers cheques for say 2/3rds of your money. Have them in denominations of £50 & £ 20 with some £100 if you are staying on in another resort after the cruise. You can pay for all your expenses on the boat by using these at the end of the trip. Alternatively change some in any of the banks in Luxor or Aswan, as and when you may need them. Not all boats will change you a traveller's cheque, but most will accept them as payment for drinks bills. Tour operators will also accept them as payment for trips etc. For paying larger bills such as a trip to Abu Simbel the £100 comes in handy, most other expenses can usually be dealt with by using £50 & £20 combinations plus some Sterling or local LE cash. I personally would not bother with dollars at all and having been there loads of times have never felt the need take them, even as tips, when tipping just use local currency. As for cash, again it is always handy to take some with you (it is negotiable anywhere) and also a good bargaining point when buying things. It is also a quick way to obtain a small amount of local currency without any hassle. Again my advice would be to take the other 1/3rd as £ cash, but only take it in £10 notes (no higher) they are very readily acceptable and don't take up too much room. Get yourself a money belt and use it for all your cash until you are in your cabin or hotel. Immediately upon your arrival obtain a safe deposit box and keep your valuables in it, all boats and hotels have them. Keep yourself say £30 handy (excluding the money for your visa) and change it at the airport upon arrival. This will give you around LE 300 in local money, more than enough to cover your first day's expenses on the boat's . :)
It is very unlikely that this will be possible in the near future due to security implications, so for the time being the answer is no. Iberis has given you the other options for visiting Cairo. The overnight sleeper train option, more expensive but more comfortable than a seat for 10 hours. :)
hi, i have just come back from a week cruise and week stay and while we were there they were talking about starting a cruise from aswan to cario but i dont know who with or when it will start but soon you will have that option. :pele :pele
but soon you will have that option.

Not sure that I would agree with soon, but they have been talking of doing this for some time now. As the area is not deemed to be safe at the moment I would doubt very much if they will start them again in the near future. When you consider that they install a machine gun on the stern of the boats for the trip to Denderah and that is only a few hours North of Luxor, it will give you some idea of the potential security implications.
On my recent Nile cruise (8-15 May) I bought some fragrance essences which were to be diluted in water. My problem is that I can't remember the proportions. If anyone is going/has been to a perfume palace/factory and is able find the information for me I would be very grateful.

I forgot to mention in my recent report that we didn't see any mosquitoes and only a few annoying flies and didn't see anyone with bites.
Had my leaflet in with the perfumes so it smells lovely! My bottle of lotus flower leaked!Instructions are as folllows
1. For perfumes, itmay be diluted with 1:9 adding pure alohol.

2. For E.T. it may be diluted with the ratio 1:20 (alcohol/distilld water)

3. oil bath 5-10 drops

4 leave bottle open to fragrence the room.

Hope that helps

I have to say Have been to Dendera and never seen any gun on or near boats.....Never seen anything to worry me ( in a security aspect ). I have now been to Egypt twice and have never been concerned atall :!: , Even to the fact that I went off on my own for walks ( day & Night ).
This time we went to Luxor ( again ) Aswan, Cairo and all in between.
We did a 7.45am flight to Cairo and returned by air at 20.15 we had a full and very enjoyable day at the museum and the pyramids ( well worth it )
The perfume oils have to be mixed 1 gram oil to 3 grams white alcohol.......if its for a burner then 2-3 drops in alittle water ( I brought back even more this time ) :lol: The Mossies in May were not too bad atall ( on or off the Nile ) The flies were copeable, even if a little annoying at times but you have to expect this.
Hope this helps. & yes there are very strong talks regarding the boats starting up for Cairo trips ( they know its going to be worth their while in a tourist aspect ) so watch the travel agents for news from next year you may get a surprise........
Lisa aka ankesenamun
Hi Julie

Thank you so much for answering my question. I too bought Lotus Flower (as well as the Eucalyptus which was the one of mine that leaked, so not as attractive!!!!) I don't recall having an instruction leaflet nor do I recall that the mix was with alcohol/distilled water so you can see what a great service you have done me.

Hi ankesenamun
This will be our 7th time to Egypt and in particular to Luxor, in that time we have travelled all over Egypt, including several Nile cruises. I can assure you that there are machine guns positioned on the rear of boats going to Denderah. They are placed very discreetly during the night and in between the exhaust funnels at the stern, usually behind the small pool on most boats. They are always screened behind a canvass strung out between the funnels and your prying eyes will not be welcomed. The same policemen who come aboard for your protection man this gun, or have you not seen these policemen either. You should not assume that just because you have not seen something, other people are talking rubbish. My reference to the gun on the boat was in context to the question being asked regarding resuming cruises between Luxor & Cairo. Its presence has never caused me any concern, but why do you think that you are put in a convoy if you travel outside of the main resorts? On this forum we have a duty to speak the truth and to answer questions honestly. We are all aware of the potential threat from terrorists or lawless elements within any given country, so why hide the problem? I love Egypt and would recommend anyone to visit this wonderful country with its welcoming and friendly people. At the moment areas outside of Luxor particularly towards Denderah are not deemed safe for unescorted tourists, this is not due to terrorist activity, but from a sort of Mafia that operates in that area. As for your walkabouts, well we all do that, so nothing special there. I feel perfectly safe walking anywhere that I am allowed to go in Egypt, but just you try going to Denderah, Aswan, Abydos, Quena, or Tel El Amarna on your own and see how far you get. The cruise between Aswan and Cairo is nothing new, years ago it was a common occurrence. The distance that the boat would have to travel is about four times that of the Luxor/Aswan cruise so a longer time factor would have to come into it. Also there is a lot less to see after Tel El Amarna until you reach Meidum & Daschur although it is very picturesque en route. We had several people on our last cruise who thought that we were going to have a film show when they saw the canvass screen for the machine gun going up, were you one of them?
We had several people on our last cruise who thought that we were going to have a film show when they saw the canvass screen for the machine gun going up, were you one of them? Er no and I did spend a lot of time on deck day and night, There was no where to hide anything on the deck of our boat! and I did spend time looking around other boats! I have also travelled all over Egypt and have friends that live there so know a lot about the country too.....
THE CONVOYS.....funny but I had noticed that they stopped as soon as you went through any checkpoints rather thatn started at those so called worry points!
Yes people have a right to know but dont treat those that have seen different and experienced different to yourself as stupid.
I was stateing what I know from my experience as a tourist and as someone who has friends there, so please can you keep all comments civil, sarcasm isn't very nice even if it has been made to look polite.
Hi ankesenamun
I am sure that anyone reading your comment directed at my own contribution
I have to say Have been to Dendera and never seen any gun on or near boats.....

Would come to the conclusion that it was you who intended to make my own comment look stupid rather than visa versa . Just because you did not see any gun on any boat does not mean that I did not. But for the purpose of clarification,

1. I said the gun is only fitted for the trip between Luxor & Denderah.
2. Some tour boat operators had even dropped that particular visit from their itinerary for 2005 and only cruised between Luxor/Aswan & return.
3. As Egyptian security changes with the prevailing conditions, I can only comment on my last visit in September 2005.
4. It may not be their policy in 2006 to put them on the boats.

I am sorry but I could not understand the thrust of your argument regarding the convoys.
so please can you keep all comments civil, sarcasm isn't very nice even if it has been made to look polite.

I agree with you entirely but in my case at least, both this and my previous one to you, were (as you say) polite, unlike your own reply to me. But it is not in the interest of this forum to let this degenerate into a slanging match so I think that we should both keep our own views and let others make up their own minds or see it with their own eyes.
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