Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
guns on boats
597 Posts
When I replied to a question regarding the resuming or not of cruises between Luxor & Cairo, I stated quite correctly, that when I was there in September (on a cruise) our boat and others had a gun positioned at the stern for the trip to Denderah. This was a reference to a security issue only, regarding cruising between these two points. At no time have I implied terrorism or anything else related to it. It is no use people saying "I have just come back and I did not see it". Just because you did not see it now or next month, does not mean that I did not see it in September, things will always change. Early in 2005 all of the balloon flights over the V.O.K. were stopped but later in the year when people could get flights and were posting there comments, I was not telling the rest of the forum that there were no longer any balloons in Luxor just because I did not see any when I was there.
As for worrying a lot of people, that implies that what I said is not the truth or should not be talked about openly. If people wish to stick their head in the sand it is up to them, bombs do go off in Egypt, terrorists do shoot tourists at temple sites, there are checkpoints, there are armed police everywhere, are we not all aware that these things have happened? Or am I suppose to pretend that those things do not happen? If instead of Egypt we were to use numerous other holiday destinations around the world we would find that many of things that I have mentioned above have applied to them over the years or are happening to them now. Why do people get so uptight about Egypt? Would you rather that people told you lies if you asked a question? Scaremongering is one thing but if we are all expected to couch our answers in terms that will always say everything is rosy, what is the point of us replying to any questions.

Now for all you worried people out there:
I will be going to Luxor, in Egypt, in June, with my family, & my brother and his wife, on a boat trip to Denderah

  • Edited by Tez 2006-05-26 20:52:58
Hi Tez

I'd just like to wish you and your family a very happy holiday and to thank both you and other forum members for all the helpful advice given to me before my cruise earlier this month.

Thanks for that Jael,
You are very welcome and on behalf of everyone who has helped you, may I say it is always nice to know that the experiences and info we pass on is appreciated (It can on occasions take up a lot of our free time). But your own contributions to this forum are just as valuable as mine or any others. :wave
My friend has just come back from a nile cruise and stay booked with Instant holidays and she is wondering if it is routine to pay £56 each to the guide as you board the boat?.I forwarned her the visa was $15 not £15 but she said the guide took £15 each off them and when she questioned it she was told it was because she was in a group that it was £15.The boat was King Tut 2 which they paid extra to go AI ,but this only included beer,wine and soft drinks,no spirits.
No it is not usual, Usual is to put around £30 in an envelope at the END of your cruise (only if you think your guide is worth it) it is not a pre-requisite to pay as you board the boat. Would you leave a tip before you ate your meal? My reply would involve the words 'Stuffed & 'Get' It really is important that people on cruises or other holidays in Egypt realise that IT IS YOUR MONEY! you spend it as you wish, not as others tell you. Unfortunately AI can mean many things, to many nationalities, they seem to vary it to suit the day.
Thanks Tez,She had read in her documents that £56 each was expected and was determined to tip people who she thought deserved tipping as the cruise went along,but as everyone else tipped she said she didnt want to make a fuss.I will see her tomorrow and tell her this is not normal.I have only been to Sharm so couldnt advise her,although I did tell her that we tipped the waiters and barmen a little each day,and gave the room lad a tip at the end of the holiday.
As my integrity was held up to question by some previous posts, please go to:

.....and read the section headed 'Quena'

The photograph is of the docking area for the boats at Denderah. Quena is on the opposite bank of the river to Denderah. You pass through it on your way to the temple site or on your way to Abydos. You do it in a 'convoy' without stopping! just try stopping to buy a pot at Abydos!
Enough said.

Sorry Briar had to remove my quotes due to copyright. So here is the gist of it in my own words:

The article refers to the pristine look of the docking facility at Denderah and why it was built as a buffer zone between the town of Quena and the river. They talk about the fact that they are not allowed to walk about on their own and of a clinical tour of the city on a bus. They also describe the mounting of a machine gun on the top deck for the duration of their stay at Denderah

*Edit due to copyright have edited out copied post please read the links given - Briar
I have just booked an all inclusive cruise called Wonders Of The Nile for October 2007 via Archers Direct, has anyone been on the cruise and if so can you tell me about it, IE - Ship, food, drinks etc.

Thanks for your time!
Has anyone done this nile cruise with first choice, how was it,any tips would be much appreciated.

Hi cazanddave :wave

There are some previous post HERE (you may have to check a couple of pages both sides) regarding the FC nile cruise.

You can also find some more info HERE


I have done the Wonders Of The Nile cruise with Archers Direct, exactly this time last year - see my posts on Page 6 (dated 9th June 2005) and Page 17 of this topic for more information.

Suffice to say that I am VERY JEALOUS of you having such a great trip to look forward to!!! :mrgreen: :hyper How on Earth will you manage to wait till October 2007?! :hmmm :wink:
greetings to all for a fab site which i have only just found and we fly out to luxor monday for a weeks nile cruise on the grand star and then a week at the siva grand in hurgardah

i have read throug as many posts as my eyes will allow and i am still a little confused due to our holiday being all in we only got £400 Sterling (3,900 egyption) but after reading the amounts for tips which as far as i can see varies from £20-£50 per person and also all the extras you pay for which i know are not compulsary would this seem enough money for the 2 weeks, also the money came in 100E and 50E nothing smaller so where could i get some smaller change for tipping when we arrive or is it correct as some have stated that they are happy with sterling £1 coins.

the dress code has me puzzled as well, i have done all my shopping and packing for a relaxing holiday and not a bond style outfit, IE as the weather is hot in june mainly shorts and only 2 pairs of cotton trousers quite a few shirts and t shirts but after reading some of the post's it looks like i might be spending most of my time in the cabin.

i have no objections to dress code's or tipping bu i felt it should have been made more plain in the brouchure if that is the case (i could be worrying over nothing) the tipping i knew about but i feel its a bit out of order when you are asked for money at the begining of the week tipping should be done only if you think someone deserve's it not because they ask

any tips would be great regarding the do's and don't whilst there and i will come back a write a full and frank review
Sorry this is a late reply, Sunday night & you leave on Monday, I will keep it brief. What you are taking in clothes sounds fine to me, you will be OK.
1. Dress code on boat, no problem, just dress smart casual for evening meals, no jeans, shorts, vests. Men should ideally wear a pair of slacks, trousers, or chino's and a shirt (open neck is fine). Ladies wear what you like, other than shorts, you will always look nice whatever you wear.
2. During the day you wear what you like, swimwear on boat, shorts & vest if visiting the sites. (other than a mosque when you ladies should cover your bare arms etc.)
3. Do not tip until the end of your cruise, then at your discretion.
4. If your boat is all inclusive then all local beers & spirits are included and maybe your bottled water, so that will keep your costs down.
5. I would suggest that you don't go buying any of the other things like on board videos or photographs to conserve you money.
6. Remember that you may have to pay for extras with sterling and not local LE Egyptian pounds.
If you have one of the main credit cards take it with you it is acceptable in most ATM machines, Sterling cash is also readily converted.
7. Pound coins are OK for tipping when you first get there. Change a LE 50 or LE 100 note into smaller notes i.e. 10s 20s when you get on your boat or at the bank at the airport.
8. If you don't already have your visa, remember you will need a £10 note for each visa (person) you need to get at the airport upon arrival.
9. Finally if both parts of your holiday are fully all inclusive you should be OK. As you should only need money for odds & ends. But if you budget for not exceeding a spending per day of LE 280 between the two of you, you will be fine.
A meal for two = LE 100
A bottle of water = LE 5
A bottle of local beer = LE 20
An average taxi ride = LE 20
The entrance fee to an average tourist site = LE 25
The above are a very rough guide to give you some idea of costs per person. Sorry I have to be
Vague & brief, it is a pity you did not find this site sooner, we could have helped a lot more.
Anyway good luck and enjoy your holiday.
Hi all,
I've got sore eyes from reading through all the info here and on the review thread, but I've gathered lots of information and wanted to say a big thank you to everyone that takes time to answer questions and concerns.

We have just booked, last minute , to go on the Domina Prestige with Libra holidays and flight out to Luxor to catch up with the boat on Mon 26th June...thats just over 2 weeks to go!!

I know that the Esna lock will be still closed but looking at the itinerary it only means being coached up to Luxor on the first day, as the West Bank and the East bank trips are at either end of the holiday, that is Day1 and Day 7. I'm assuming that the Esna lock will re-open on July 1st, which is mid way through our hols and therefore we will get to cruise up to Luxor for the end of the hol, even though we will start of at Esna rather than Luxor.
Anyone know if this in indeed the case?

Can someone who has been recently confirm the price of the visa's, as there seem to 2 or 3 different amounts mentioned?

I've been to the Sinai area and have done a red sea cruise, and this Nile cruise will be the first time we have purchased an Egyptian visa, so want to get it right as I assume that Luxor airport is , like others, busy and full of queues!

My main concern is about the tipping...and I must say that it makes me feel uncomfortable. I've only ordered a certain amount of egyptian money which is for local tipping and on board specific tipping. If we take sterling, will that be acceptable in the tipping envelopes? Or will the tour rep exchange it into LE for us for the tips?
I'm not keen on tipping at the beginning of the week before I've even had any service, and feel that the suggested amounts are a bit over the top, given their cost of living.
Has anyone had a problem with tipping less than the suggested amounts?

Just watching the weather and am off to the shops tomorrow to buy some more high factor suncream!!!

Happy Holidays!!!

Kay :D
Hi kayshaw,
First question re Esna lock = It should all be as you assume.

Second question re Visas = Again should be £10 each in £ Sterling. Remember no change given, and you cannot pay £20 note for two people.

Third question re Luxor airport = Yes can be busy with the usual queues but it is now quite modern and better equipped. You should be through immigration by the time your bags arrive, 15-30 minutes.

Fourth question re tipping & Sterling = They will love you putting £ Sterling into the envelopes, so no problem there. It is better to tip people on the boat (i.e. the staff) in local currency. The normal procedure is you tip with the envelopes at the end and it goes like this:

1. Usually two envelopes will be left for you in your cabin or given to you by someone.

2. They (the reps or Egyptologists) will have hinted as to what is usual to put in each of the envelopes.

3. One envelope is for the crew & all others on the boat; the advisory amount is about £30 per couple.

4. The other envelope is for your Egyptologist, he or she will have been with you all week and if they are good you will have built up a nice relationship with them. Again it is usual to put £30 per couple into his/her envelope.

5. You do this at the end of the week, not at the beginning; usually there are a couple of 'post' boxes at reception where you deposit your envelope. Or sometimes you may wish to give the 'sealed' envelopes personally.

6. You put into each envelope as you see fit, if anyone says differently tell him or her to mind their own business it is your money.

7. In addition it is usual to tip individual staff such as your table waiter, room cleaners and/or anyone else who treats you a bit special as you go along. A LE10 to a room cleaner a few times a LE 20 to a good waiter etc will be appreciated.

Fifth Question re = Your rep will not be in a position to change Sterling for you and there are not usually facillities on board for banking. Reps will expect payment for tours in £ Sterling not LE. But as the boats are full board you will only pay for extras such as bar bills, these can be settled in Sterling although some will accept LE as payment. Either change some Sterling at the airport or when you reach Luxor/Aswan go into a bank, you will have no problems.

I am off myself to Luxor on 14th June, so must continue with my packing. :pele
Enjoy your holiday :wave
Thanks for the reply Tez!!

Just one more question.....for anyone that help me:

The egyptian night on board the boat....does everyone dress up..or is it just a proportion of people?
It sounds like you can buy a galabaya either from the onboard shop or from the locals who arrive in their boats along side you.....are they expensive? Its just that I dont want to buy one and then notice that not many others get dressed up and then never use it again!! The other half is not covinced about wearing one.
I was wondering if anyone wears any other type of egytian costume? Although I suppose that galabayas are easiest.
Thinking about putting a jangly belt around one of my long wraps to turn it into a belly dancing costume????

Tez.....enjoy your holiday...

Kay :D
Don't know whether Tez will have time to reply so I will.
Everybody on our boat dressed up, it was good fun. One piece of advice buy a galabeya(?) that you can wear at home. In the weather we are having at the moment they are lovely and cool to wear. All those Egyptians can't be wrong.
The one thing I still talk about is the balloon flight. I am very scared of heights but didn't get this feeling in the balloon but make sure you have a hat, the burners are REALLY hot.
Have a fab time.
Hi Kay

We were on the Domina Prestige the second week in May and absolutely loved it. We also were booked through Libra. You may have seen the great review of the boat written by Bobbie hh and the additional comments I made just after.

Almost everyone dressed up for the Egyptian night - including the staff - and the one or two who preferred not to still joined in the fun. (It's so much easier to let your hair down a bit when you're dressed up). We bought our galabeyas on board (mine was £6 and perfectly good) and the prices ranged from £5 to about £12; the more expensive ones being the rather smart two-part outfits which looked really impressive. If you're comfortable haggling you could probably get a better quality one for a similar price from the bazaars which are everywhere you go. There were also accessories available on board - beaded caps with long dangly bits, Fez, scarves with jangly edges for hips or hair, those things that look like a coiled riding whip that go around the white scarvfy things that men wear, all, I think, around £2, £3, £4, & £5 depending on the item.

I agree with Carol about getting one you will feel happy to wear at home. They are so comfortable and cool and easy to wear.

Hope this helps. We had such a lovely time and I'm sure you will too.

Thanks Carol and Jael, thats helpful!
Think I might pursue the idea of a 2 piece belly dancing outfit as an alternative to the galabayas though!

One thing I really want to do is the balloon ride, although my other half isn't very good at heights! Which company did you go with and what is the approximate cost per person?

If you had to choose 2 out of all the excursions/sights between Luxor down to Aswan, which would you choose as being the most memorable?

I don't really want to be off the boat every day, particularly with the early starts, but want to choose wisely.

By the way, if anyone is reading this and is due out for their Nile Cruise very soon, it appears the visa's are now £15 per person and not £10 as recently stated.

14 sleeps to go :fly
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