Thank's Vic, that explains why there isn't a ferry code. I hope things are ok with you.
On the subject of the 767's, is there any truth in the rumour they are to leave the MYT fleet at the end of the summer season when TCX/MYT merge? If you can't say, I understand.
Hi tavelling to Goa March 2008.MYT041.Any idea of plane and seating plan please Sue
I beleive they'll be using the Boeing 767's. They are configured 2-4-2 with 30" seat pitch in economy, 25" configured 2-2-2 in premium.
Many thanksDarren.We are a party of 4,Any advice re prebooking seatsxxxxxxxxxxx
You'll see my comments about pre-booking all over the forums. If you arrive at the airport in plenty of time, ie at least 2 hours before your departure time you shouldn't have a problem. It's only late arriving passengers when seats are getting filled that you sometimes get split up. Outbound, when things are in your control it's normally fine. It's often the inbound flight where you run in to problems since if you're on a package holiday, your transfers are out of your control so you could be the first or last to check-in and therefore your risk of getting split up is increased. For peace of mind, it's worth pre-booking if you don't want to get split up and if you don't mind paying for it. Others have different opinions and think it's just an extra way of getting more money out of you, which I agree with to a certain extent.
There's a thread dedicated to the pre-booking debate here.
Sorry to bother anyone, but what aircraft/seating plan will be used for tommorrows flight to Fuerteventura leaving from Manchester using MyTravel Airways?
Hi Deb and welcome to HT!
Oh, Sorry! I am silly - MYT195
MAN-FUE, MYT195/6 is operated by an Airbus A321-200. For a seating plan, click here.
Have a great time,
I am flying to Sanford on 14th Sep from Glasgow with My Travel, is there any chance this flight will be operated by the Airbus?
Hi we are looking to book through Mytravel to go BHX to Lanzarote in November, havent flown with them before i was wondering if the plan will be a 3-3 configuration and just generally what the IFE is if any and are they generally ok seat pitch / service wise? Our couple of flights have been with BMI Baby and prior to that Air Malta and First Choice so any comparison to those would be great.
MYT is likely to operate the flight with an Airbus A321-200. These are configured 3-3. IFE is provided via drop down LCD screens above the seats. There's plenty of info on the aircraft and IFE over the last few pages of this thread. Seat pitch is 28". Personally, I think MYT are a decent airline for short haul travel. They are on par with FCA (short haul wise).
Had the big airbus on the way out - nice. Then interesting turn of events - we got my old friend the 767 on the early flight home due to the approach of Dean!!!! 767 had been drafted in from Florida to rescue us. Your info on both planes was great - thanks.
Quick question - was it just my imagination or did the airbus take off more steeply than the 767?
was it just my imagination or did the airbus take off more steeply than the 767?
There's not much in it really, both climb at about the same pitch, ~12 degrees from memory. Thats more for passenger comfort though, they can acheive more than that. It's more a function of speed and therefore g-forces you experience than the actual climb rate. Once airbourne, a climb speed will be set and the climb rate will be based on maintaining the climb speed at a given power setting. This depends on the aircraft weight, ie how full it is. The heavier the aircraft, the more power is needed to maintain a given ascent rate or in this day and age to save on engine-wear, a constant speed is maintained by controling the pitch angle at 'climb power'. It's normally something like 200 KIAS (Knots indicated air speed) up to say 3,000ft above ground level (AGP), then increased to the maximum speed limit of 250 KIAS up to 10,000ft (aircraft do have speed limits too!) then climb at 300+ KIAS up to cruise altitude. To maintain a constant speed, the pitch angle is increased or decreased (ie the nose of the aircraft highered or lowered). In the PA28 that I've flown, it's easier said than done, the pro's make it look easy although they have the aid of auto-pilot. All this is obviously dependant on routing, ATC clearance and aircraft type and weight of course. In terms of actual climb rate, this can be anything from 1-2000ft per minute initailly to say 4-5000ft once estabished in the climb.
What you experienced was normal really although the A332 with it's huge RR Trent 700's and 60.3m wingspan and very efficient wings probably gives it the edge in terms of climb performance.
Does the
Glasgow - Cancun (Mytravel) Flight go straight from glasgow. The runway is quite small at that airport but the cancun flight with thomson from BHX has to go via manchester and bhx has a longer runway than glasgow. So my question is Does glasgow - cancun with Mytravel go direct or stop at manchester like the thomsonfly from BHX. He just curious before he books as his wife is nervous. Or is it becuase the A330 doesnt need a large runway to take off. Thanks in advance.
BHX's runway is currently 2605m, but planning permission is under way for a 405m extension taking the runway to 3,004m (either someone measured the runway wrong or they can't add up!). This will then be able to handle anything that needs to pass through BHX. BHX can handle jumbo's no problem at present, but not fully laden with fuel. GLA's main runway 05/23 is 2648m.
To answer your question, I'm not sure to be honest. 2648m isn't much for an A332 and nearly full tanks. I've not heard of any technical stops on the flight, it doesn't tech in MAN that I know of. Given the A332 has slighter better take off performace, it might be able to do it direct, but the margins must be tight. I doubt if it'll be a de-rated take-off anyway!
Have you got there flight number? I'll try and track it and find out. Even if there is a tech stop, there's nothing to be nervous about.
Departing: 13:30 on 17-Sep-2007
From: Glasgow
To: Mexico - Cancun
Arriving: 17:50 on 17-Sep-2007
Departing: 19:50 on 01-Oct-2007
From: Mexico - Cancun
To: Glasgow
Arriving: 11:10 on 02-Oct-2007
Thats all my freind knows yet off the mytravel website. It doesnt mention anything but i just wanted to check.

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