Just returned from the Hotel Regente having spent Christmas and the New Year there.
First of all, most of you know that the hotel was closed in October for a specialist deep cleaning to get rid of the Norwalk virus, which is presently running its infectious cycle, widespread across the UK.
During this time, as well as the deep cleaning, all the bed mattress's, pillows, chairs and the majority of the soft furnishings were destroyed and replaced with new ones.
Contrary to what you may have read on other sites by speculative posters,

the hotel decided to take a complete break from customers in November and they decided to use this time without any guests, to make a start on the "face lift" throughout the hotel, Thomson also asked the hotel to perform a second specialist deep cleaning during this time, even though it wasn't necessary"¦..which they did do, to comply with Thomson's request.
The "face lift" consists of replacing the items mentioned above and there are now brand new chairs in the concert room and reception area, the bar has been ripped out and replaced with a modern and very simplistic clean looking area, the stage has been moved from one side of the concert room to the far side, by the door that leads to the sunbathing "decking" area.
All new modern light pine coloured doors have been installed on the toilets and telephone cubicle, all the pillars that hold the hotel upright have been encased in a "brushed silver" effect casing with uplighting.
New light coloured laminated floors have been laid in the concert room, reception, restaurant and they have started on the corridors and the rooms"¦.floor 6 has been completed.
On the way down to the restaurant, new silver/chrome handrails and glass panels have been installed
Finally, the old ceiling to floor glass window on the way down to the restaurant has been replaced with a new one that again has the silver/chrome effect frame, which is very modern and lets so much more light in the place, plus a fresh pale lemon colour has been applied to the walls throughout the hotel.
All the above have lifted the hotel into a bright and a more modern looking place.
Now the important bit"¦"¦
Outside the restaurant doors, fixed on the wall, there are 2 alcohol dispensers (one each side) which automatically dispense a small amount of the alcohol when you put your hand under the sensor"¦.I'm pleased to say that whilst I was there, 99.9% of the people used them as second nature and without any prompting.
I did see the odd

walk straight passed them and parents/grandparents who think their kids hands are germ free,

but the staff taking note of your room number on entry to the restaurant were also observant, and I did see Antonio ask a man who was going to waltz straight into the restaurant, to use the dispenser.
Finally, under the dispenser is a sign which simply says "
It's in your hands"
They could have said, "wash your hands or use the dispenser before entering the restaurant", but that simple statement says it all because it is in YOUR hands to help stop this nasty infectious bug from getting hold again.
When I've done the video of the Regente and you compare it to the one I did last year, then you will see the changes that have been made.
Let me make it quite clear to anyone reading this......I have reported back what I know to be true, I don't work for Thomson or Med Playa and quite frankly I detest Thomson and I detest the thought that my report will help them, but my main objective on this forum is to help other holiday makers, just like myself.
Christmas and New Year in the Regente"¦to be continued.