Glad to hear your trip was ok dianerobins. We are in the process of complaining to thomson and drafting a letter to them. You obviously appreciate how dangerous it was to go around in the dark after seeing it at dusk. Hope you got some good pics
I'm sure when we arrive we will be offered all sorts of trips, but could anyone recommend a trip they have been on and thought it good value? I'm not usually a trip person, but having seen masses of Dolphins off of Gran Canaria a couple of years back and a great Camel trip while in Fuetraventura, I've just got an inkling we will try a trip this year again.
Some trips never seem good value, so what are we likely to be offered? As well as myself there is my wife, and daughters of 16 and 13
Merged with excursions topic where you'll find lots of advice
A great day out for all the family this one Bob
I'm sure there is another couple of posts about this place. The 'day' trip doesnt get good reviews, but the evening does. Is the evening country and western with line dancing? Or is it something else, or perhaps there is more than 1 evening show?
What did you attend Bob?????
When to the day time one, as i said it was a great day out,
Last year i heard some one say it was nice to go some where, with out kids running about, they had just got back from the evening one, it is country and western/line dancing, my wife says its free beer thats why it is so dear. but check this out,
there is a lot of info on the night time one on google,but i cant do the link to put on here Bob.
I'll check google than Bob, thanks
Didn't get a chance to do any trips while we were in PDC in March but would like to do a couple when we go back in October. Can anyone recommend anything?
We also did the submarine safari.
I really wanted to go to the camel park but no one would come with me.
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