my daughter hates the turkish milk, she took with her last week those chocolate straws to drink with the milk and still she could taste the milk and wouldnt drink it lol
as far as the kids clubs go i think the mini club is ages 2-12 and these are divided into groups of 2-3, 4-5,6-7,8-9,and 10-12 ages and the teenager club is 13-18 which are then divided into 2 groups of cadets ages 13-15 and juniors 16-18, think the decision is yours but maybe the 10-12 might be ok
times according to my book are mini club open 9-6.30 and then again 7.30 til 10.30, teens club open 11-1.30 , 4-6,8- midnight
hope this helps
I am sure I have read before that the kids club don't check ages so do you think it would be ok for my son 9 to join in with the 10-12yr olds? Just so the 3 of them can stay together? My 12yr old shouldn't mind that group as it's not like he will be with the younger 7 or 8 yr olds!
im sure that would be fine, the turkish people are laid back and this is probably just a guide line, as some kids are more advanced than others etc, so i would say it depends on the childs ability but ive just copied the details out of lykias book for you, so not sure how strict they are but would doubt they are that strict to be honest
Thanks for that info Karen. I'm happy because mine fall into the same age bracket.
My son used to change his age depending what activity the various groups were doing.
Our kids' and our friends kids' ages were 7, 9, 11 and 13 and they all went to the same club so that they could all stay together and no one said anything to them, think the club's very laid back about the age groups.
Sounds like it's pretty flexible.
Could you give me some info on the Lykia reward points please? if we sign up when we arrive do we get points each time we buy drinks, trips, buy at the shop etc? And how much is each point worth when converted back to spend? Thanks
Unless they have changed it, you get a number of points per room booked. Nothing to do with how much you spend while you are there. You can save them up over a few years or use them to knock something off your bill.
Bridd, So would we get points for the total cost of our holiday at Lykia even though it was booked through a Tour Op? Or would they somehow work out the cost of the rooms we have as our hol is a package which obviously includes flights? It's a bit confusing but would be great if we could use something towards our bill?
Nothing to do with your flights. Its a number of points per room per week. I don't know how many - I can't remember. We always book 2 separate rooms so get double points.
That's good news Bridd. I assumed because I was going with a TO, I wouldn't get any.
I've got a leaflet for "Snoopies" for 3 to 5 years from 10am to 10.30pm with a one hour "shower break" at 6.30pm. The leaflet also gives a bit of info on the other clubs - there's BabyClub for 6m to 3 yrs old from 8.30am til noon, then 3pm to 6pm, then 7.30pm to 10.30pm. Then there's Jokers for 6 - 8 years and Kids Cub for 9 - 12 years - don't know any other details about these two.
My 13 year old didnt do the teenage thing and was quite happy to hang out with us. My boy was 5 last year and he went to the kids club maybe half a dozen times. We couldn't quite get him to the meeting point at 10am but used to just take him as and when we were ready. I used to just check the timetable thingy and see where they were and what they were doing. He did join in with the Nemo show and loved it. He says he doesn't want to go to the kids club this year but is being persuaded by "being with the big kids" this time.

I think someone asked about babysitting service? This leaflet says that babysitting is also available at 8 euros per child per hour and book one day in advance, but with all the kidsclubs available you might not need babysitting.
the points system is open to everyone. They used to have a desk at the Residence where you can sign up for the repeaters programme. You also tend to get freebies the more often you go back. On our 5th and subsequent visits we got wine and fruit in our room and also the occasional gift. Last time we got one of the beach towels they sell in the shop (not the hotel beach towels). You also get invited to the return guests evening. Last time we were there it was a special meal at the Turkish restaurant. Previously they had cocktail parties.
Activities included archery, water games in Paradise, banana boats, jetskiing, climbing wall, football, volleyball, etc. I noticed several kids took bags with towels, sunscreen, drinks bottle with them so were probably seasoned guests! You can pick up leaflets with the times the activities are on so you are able to pop along and meet up with them when you want to. The clubs took the children to lunch in the paradise restaurant every day and also to dinner in the village restaurant before it was open to everyone else. Ours sometimes went with them, popped back for a shower and change then went back to the clubs to watch a film whilst we enjoyed a dinner for two. We'd collect them in time for the show, although others stayed at the club then.
Basically my kids would go to the clubs when they fancied the activities but stayed with us around the pools inbetween. We'd have to sign the 6-8 age group in and out but the 9-12's come and go as they please so we'd ensure the elder son knew where to find us.
Judo lessons are available by an ex-champion who is lovely. They take place in Children's Paradise in a covered, open air purpose built judo arena. The kids wear the proper clothing and do a little demonstration one night on the village dance floor. Mine absolutley loved these and they ran about 5 mornings a week from 10-12noon.

The evening kids clubs, what do they usually do, is it mostly a film? I mean they aren't going to do dirty activities once they've showered and put decent evening clothes on are they? I'm looking forward to hubby and myself being able to enjoy an evening meal at least a couple of times in peace and quiet lol! Talking of meals, is there any pressure to leave as soon as you have finished eating or are they ok for you to sit with a drink for a while after? Thanks

they can join in with the weekly shows and perform in the theatre for you to watch too, my friends kids did this but ellie wouldnt join in, shes too shy. my son did put a few games, pool table costs etc on my room bill so watch the kids doing that , but they will love it, ellie still says that it was the best holiday shes ever had and remembers it after nearly 3 years
Edited by
2008-04-08 09:12:54
If the restaurants are not too busy are they ok about you sitting with a drink after your meal or do they like you out as soon as you finish eating even if it's earlier in the evening? I don't want to feel like we should eat and leave?
The kids can have their own cards so they can charge stuff.
You can sit all evening in the restaurants. The only time they will encourage you to go is when they are closing.
twinkletoes its also the arcade games they get charged for again be aware of this, we decided to keep account of our spending so paid the bill every 3-4 days so it wouldnt be a shock at the end of the 2 weeks, especially with all my wedding costs lol, also this way you can monitor the kids spending lol

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