LGW-ACE-LGW (FCA4744/5) is showing as operated by a Airbus A321-200.
we are flying premium apparently...can you tell me what config they will have on the airbus?...and seat pitch please?
(my last post you answered will tell you flight details etc)
They have a couple of rows of premium seating located at the front of the aircraft. There's no difference in configuration (3-3 throughout), they just have a few more inches seat pitch (28" economy, Prem Econ is 33").
Anyone come back lately with FC on longhaul let me know what the meals are like and whether they are now the Aldo Zilli meals?
FCA switched to Aldo Zilli meals at the beginning of May. There's some information on them on the Thomsonfly thread. It's a few pages back though.
Oooh! Got some good news. Mr Zilli didn't want his "brand" spread amongst too many brands so refused to have them on FCA aircraft until after the merger is complete (assuming we keep him, as his contract runs out April 30th 2009)
That's great news
Is that good news FCA wont be having his meals or good news maybe he will not be retained by Tomfly.Sorry to say I am not a fan of his meals better with bangers and mash.
funny you should say that qatarman, we actually serve bangers and mash now as one of the meals. outbound daytime I believe.
We are travelling with FCA to Cancun in a couple of weeks . We are travelling with our 5.5 month old baby for the first time and we have upgraded to premium seating.
I have understood from this forum that seats are allocated based on when you book. We didn't book that long ago. I am a nervous flyer and really do need to sit next to my husband, plus it is our first flight with our daughter.
On the plane are their specific seats where infants can sit (i.e. there are 2 oxygen masks). I have hard somewhere that it is near the window? Will this mean that the likelihood of us sitting together is bigger?
It is a legal (CAA) requirement that seating is allocated with adequate provision for oxygen in the event of depressurisation. They'll have provision for this in the cabin and you'll obviously have priority over other passengers for those seats. I can't tell you which seat(s) are allocated for this though. Maybe BY-TOM-AMM-FCA can help out here.
All Thomson/First Choice a/c have one surplus oxygen mask over each set of seats so 3 above the 2 window seats etc... Seating is now no longer done by date of booking as it is done on Thomsonfly's seating system in our combined head office. A computer programme assigns seats on "best fit" so the least amount of people will not be split up- this of course after any pre paid seating has been taken into consideration.
Hi going on your previous answer, we have booked FCA star class premium seats (2 seats) leaving on 13th July to maldives and we were going to check in the day before to try to get window seat (as it is now free to all flights regardless of departure time), is this a waste of time if seats are already pre allocated, I had heard they were allocated at time of check in, take it thats not correct.
Sorry little confused by your answer

I was wondering if checking in the day before was a waste of time, if seats are already allocated. Didn't mention phoning

It depends why you want to check-in the day before. If it's to beat the queues and make it less hassle on your day of travel, then it might be worthwhile you doing it. If you are doing it to secure a particular seat, then probably not.

Are there specific seats which have the extra oxygen mask over or can it be reached from all seats in each set?
As before, it is a CAA requirement that passengers have access to oxygen supplies. When deployed, they drop down from overhead pannel so you simply reach up, pull them down and fit them over your face. You should fit your own mask first before helping others due to the onset, and unnoticable effects of hypoxia (you'll get the usual safety briefing about it). From BY-TOM-AMM-FCA's description, each block of seats has an extra mask so if they deployed (which is very unlikely remember), the extra one will be accessible directly above you. I've seen masks deployed on an A320-200 (for inspection, not when needed!) and it sounds like it's a similar system to the 763.

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