We did the Turkey trip a couple of years ago. We booked it trought the rep, however all the trips the reps do are sold in Lindos for less. It was a good day, however I am not sure that I would recommend it to anyone. We were taken to the Bazaar in Marmaris, where we went to a leather shop, then to a carpet shop,and finally to one that sold T-shirts. There are about 3000 shops in the Bazaar, all seling the same things!
After a couple of hours free time we than boarded our coach to a Turkish Delight "Factory". However we did not get to see any being made

Then after that it was back to the coach and onwards to the entertainment. Turkish dancing and a meal. Then back to Rhodes. As I said, a good day which I am glad we did, but it did feel like a big sales push. I think I'd rather go back to Turkey and see the country for what it really is.
The only tip I have is to pack plenty of sunscreen. The heat in Lindos is not a patch on Turkey!