Hi Girls,
Well we arrived home a few days ago now and I thought I'd post you all a quick rundown to our perfect wedding!
We got married at 4.15pm and started getting ready around 1pm. I was so relaxed all day (knowing I was in good hands with Lindos Weddings) and was swimming in the hotel pool up until a few hours before. The taxi picked me up at 4.05pm and myself, my dad and my 2 sisters made our way to the chapel. (Can I just point out that the first time I saw St Pauls Bay it actually took my breath away; it is that stunning! No picture can do it justice!) I took a slow walk down arm in arm with my dad to the chapel where the ceremony began. My best friend did her reading, we then said a few brief sentences of our own, put the rings on and then the registar does his speech in English and then Greek. At no point did I feel the ceremony was too short as we had our vowels and a reading (I would recommend this though as it may be a little too short otherwise). We then spent about 20 mins having photos taken at the chapel. We walked out to everyone throwing confetti as they lined the steps down to the beach.
Next we made our way over to the beach platform where we had champagne and pimms waiting for us. This was my most fave part...my husband carried me across the beach! It felt so romantic to be swept up! I know it sounds cheesy but it felt wonderful! Everyone was clapping and wishing us well....it was just fantastic! We stayed at the beach platform for about an hour and we then walked into Lindos centre where we had the most gorgeous meal at Arhontiko (we feel this is the nicest meal we had on the island) and then finished up at Antika bar at about 9pm where we partied the night away until around 2am. Antika is a beautiul, really funky bar.
I really could not have wished for a more perfect day...everyone said the same. The whole day felt so relaxed.
I honestly don't think I would do anything different. My slight worries that I had (it being too hot, the ceremony being too short, being like a conveyor belt etc) were all untrue.
Good luck to all you Lindos brides...you have picked the most beautiful and romantic place on earth to get married. Enjoy!
Emma x
P.S. I forgot to say, after the registra has said his bit, you then sign the register there at the chapel along with your 2 witnesses.