Greece - Rhodes Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Rhodes.
Wow all of you appeared from nowhere for a job :-)). I wish I could employ you all. Just produce the work and then you can oversee whatever you produce, how is that?

Come on Girls

I have always been extremely lenient with you all over the years, please keep on tract, your are on HT not an employment agency site... just think what you have here that is lacking elsewhere

Oooooppppssss, sorry :whoops my bad.

It was only ment as a iccle joke though ;)

double oooooppppps....sorry too!!!! slap wrists for us now...won't do it again xxxx
Come on Mrs Hayhurst i want to hear all the gossip. I cant wait any longer i am sure you can sneak away for a while to tell about your special day.
What was the weather like and what did your family think of the iberostar, i am staying there in 3 weeks and i cant wait. I am sure if i get to hear all the info from you it wil help keep me going though.
I have everything i need and the all the wedding clothes have been tried on and fit perfect. All of the final arrangments have been sorted so i am ready to go the day cant come quick enough.
I liked the idea about ipod speakers from Sue so i have purchased some and i have put together some of our favorite songs it all sounds great.
Did you have the boat cruise Sue i cant remember if you said you were.

Speak to you all again soon
Just thought i'd give you girlies a update on my wedding planning, and it is not going very well. Ive just called Thomas Cook who we have booked the wedding through and they now say they cannot confirm our wedding date until April 2009!!! I am absolutely fuming :cry , when we booked we was told it would be November at the latest which would give our guests enough time to still save up. Now i cant do any of my invites, book the reception/wine cruise which we are wanting to do our selves to save money or confirm with the guests which is the best date for them to fly out!!!!!!!!!

Im just waiting for the manager to call me back as i am not happy with this, we booked the wedding onthe provision that we would know the date quite long before we were due to go. Also how the hell are we supposed to get our notice of impediment sorted out 3 months before we go if we dont know the date until a few weeks before we go????

I am sooooo mad!!! My advise to anybody that is wanting to book a wedding through them is not to bother! I will never ever use this company again.

Rant over.......hows things going with you all?

Hi Claire,

I'm really sorry to hear about your experience with Thomas Cook. Your words of warning are very timely.

I also have a wedding booked with Thomas Cook, but over the weekend we had a chat and decided we will be cancelling with them and booking a wedding planner in Lindos. As time went on, we were both having doubts and felt we should be having a bit more control over our wedding than we actually were. I had two calls from TC - one saying the mayor would not be releasing next year's dates until September. Then last week I had a call to say it will be a few more weeks yet. They are obviously telling their customers different stories.

We decided that for the extra cost involved with hiring a wedding planner it will be worthwhile for peace of mind, and the reassurance that our special day will go smoothly with minimum stress! They can confirm a date and time quickly, and best of all you can marry after 5 days and not have to wait until the second week of your holiday, like Thomas Cook say you do. This means that we can marry in the first week, then guests can go home and be alone for our 'honeymoon' in the second week.

So after wanting to keep costs to a minimum, and originally being happy to leave it to the tour operators, we decided our wedding day was too important to us - we want to enjoy the planning as much as the day itself - after all we only intend doing this once!

Good luck though Claire, do keep us informed.

Richard, please do not use the forums to advertise.

Right!! Thomas Cook have eventually called back, luckly i was out and it was h2b that took the call. I was ready to rip their heads off :really

The lady that i spoke to had got the wrong end of the stick and assumed as i had said Rhodes we were getting married in Rhodes Town, which aparently you dont get confirmed until 2 weeks before you go (not sure how true that is?!?) :que H2B has said that he spoke to assistant manager who confirmed that it was actually St Pauls Chapel where we are booked to be married and the date should be confirmed during the last 2 weeks in October and as we need our date ASAP for our guests (im sure everyone else that has booked a wedding with them would like to know asap too, not just us) we have been given a priority and if we havent heard anything by the first week in November we should give them a call.

Hopefully things seem to be back on track now but i certainly wont be using them again and i will not be recommending them to anybody!! Most of our guests were going to book through them, but not anymore after this.

We did threaten to cancel it all but to be perfectly honest cant really afford to go elsewhere so are going to have to ride it all out and see what happenes next month, aaarrrggghhh!!! My mum was ready to cancel the whole wedding & holiday straight away, lol, which i would have considered but we really cannot afford to :(

Claire xx
hi claire...ohhh chick...count to that 100!!!!. i know its all so stressful at the minute..i can remember thinking that we should just forget it.went through a rough patch when things just kept going wrong...but..honestly honey...when you get there it will all have been so worth's all i can say to you right now and though you don't know what to expect i can 100% promise you that when you get to rhodes you will feel your shoulders relax and feel so much calmer..i know how you feel regards your t/o!!! i didnt feel i got much help from f/c who we went with...but,as i said in a recent post, ellen,our organiser in rhodes,was amazing...she even left champers and 2 glasses on our bed for our return...the little touches that you dont expect...keep your chin sue xx
hi tracy...oooohhhh..gonna keep you hanging on a little longer...been so manic since i got this weekend off so,inbetween decorating oscar's bedroom i promise i will give you all the details...just remind me agin when you fly out??? love sue dabby dozie!!!! it was my friend that stayed there with hubby and 2 children...she said it was will not fault it....hope you like your food...she said the food was to die for....she now looks like mr blobby so "beware"!!!!! hehe she'd kill me if she ever saw this!!!!
Hi everyone
I got really excited when i saw Sue had left a message i thought right get ready for the rundown. Never mind though it was still nice to hear from you and i agree with everything you say about the tour operators who do the wedding packages and i am now reasured after reading Sue s threads as i am booked with first choice. Ellen has answered all of my questions but its not the same as face to face, i cant wait to get out there and see everyone and make all of the final arrangements. Once that is over it will be me getting down to some serious relaxing before the rest of the guests arrive as it will be a very busy and noisy second week.
I fly out on the 27th September so if anyone has anything interesting about lindos, St Pauls bay or any wedding ideas please keep me updated.

Speak soon
Reply it is...finally go 5 mins to my self...hubby out,oscar watching a dvd....peace!!!
god,where do i start....had the best first few days relaxing...spoke to ellen and met up with her to finalise etc. the only downer was that cos we had 21 guests we ended up booking a coach to pick everyone up from st pauls after the wedding as taxis wont wait and ellen said she had known guests wait over 1 and half hours for a cab!! in 35 degree heat we decided it wasnt we had to pay 250 euros (approx £190!!) for a coach. all our guests paid what would have been their taxi fare there andback and we paid the pauls bay is absolutely married at 5.45pm...roasting...very nearly had a puddle under my dress!!!!mmmm not very lady like iknow but...its true.when you walk down to the chapel its just so lovely,the views really are breath taking,we had people stopping me,my dad and 2 neices to take photos...and all the people that were still on the beach were just staring and clapping.a boat passed by as i was making my way down and i could see brendan (hubby) and the rest of the guys all waving at the people and they all waved back..the boat was "peeping" its was just so it wasnt actually happening to me andit was like i was watching someone elses wedding....infact the best way to say it is dream like...if that makes sense!the ceremony was quite quick and simple....lots and lots of photos...everyone was crying....even ellen bless sis and mother in law did a reading between them...which set everyone off crying again!!!
we had a reception at nostalgia which was perfect...the food was delicious. i sorted out the details with mike there a few days before and it was just as we wanted it to be.after a gorgeous meal...and plenty of wine...lots more pictures..i went to get changed . that was when we found the champagne and glasses along with a card...this for me was such a lovely touch from made me feel that...actually we werent just another booking through f/c as i originally worth it. my mother in law and some other accomplices had decorated the room with rose petals too....we went out to jasmine bar for cocktails...and to put it a little was my wedding night!!!! the people at jasmine gave us both a tshirt..they had a picture of a bride and groom printed on with "game over" written underneath...cheeky!!! but such a thoughtful gesture.all to soon the day was over but we have so many beautiful memories and pefkos...we met so many people who,i know,will meet year after year on our return.we took our wedding guest book with us and lots of people that we met signed it for us...some very funny messages in there and brill to look back at in years to come.well...i could go on and will leave it at that.if there is anything you want to ask me...feel free...if i can help...i will,lotsof love, and lots of luck with your weddings (so jealous)!!mrs hayhurst xxxx
Hey Sue,

Your day sounds absolutely perfect! And after having had the trouble with TC i feel a bit more at ease using a tour operator after your experience. Where are you pictures??????? Id love to see some pleeeeaaaaasssseeeeee :tup

How come you changed out of your dress on the day? Im hoping to keep mine on aaallllll day, lol. Is there anything that you can recommend we do or anything that you wish you had done?

Only other thing i would like to ask is when you had your 2 readings where did they fit in? Ive asked one of my friends to do one but am not sure how it will all fit in together :que

Im so so so so pleased for you and cannot wait till May now for my turn :cheers


Claire xxx
Hello again
At last we have Sue s rundown to what sounded like a wonderful day. My best wishes and congratulations to you both.
I noted in your report that your hubby and some of the male guest arrived by boat can you give me an approximate cost of this as it was something i was thinking about doing. Was it booked through the rep or did you do it yourself. Pleased to hear your friends loved the iberostar cant wait to get there. The weather still seems to be great out there which i am soo pleased about.
Hopefully we should get to hear from some of the others off this site next week then it will be my turn. yippee.

Hello Mrs Hayhurst,
sorry i wasn't with you on your wedding day but my hubby booked for us to go to Symi that day , but my thoughts were with you , and by the sounds of it you wouldn't have missed me any way ( only joking ) . it sounds as though you had a wonderful day . i'm sat here toasting you with a glass of wine , good luck for the future, best wishes to you both .

Hi Girls,

Well we arrived home a few days ago now and I thought I'd post you all a quick rundown to our perfect wedding!

We got married at 4.15pm and started getting ready around 1pm. I was so relaxed all day (knowing I was in good hands with Lindos Weddings) and was swimming in the hotel pool up until a few hours before. The taxi picked me up at 4.05pm and myself, my dad and my 2 sisters made our way to the chapel. (Can I just point out that the first time I saw St Pauls Bay it actually took my breath away; it is that stunning! No picture can do it justice!) I took a slow walk down arm in arm with my dad to the chapel where the ceremony began. My best friend did her reading, we then said a few brief sentences of our own, put the rings on and then the registar does his speech in English and then Greek. At no point did I feel the ceremony was too short as we had our vowels and a reading (I would recommend this though as it may be a little too short otherwise). We then spent about 20 mins having photos taken at the chapel. We walked out to everyone throwing confetti as they lined the steps down to the beach.

Next we made our way over to the beach platform where we had champagne and pimms waiting for us. This was my most fave husband carried me across the beach! It felt so romantic to be swept up! I know it sounds cheesy but it felt wonderful! Everyone was clapping and wishing us was just fantastic! We stayed at the beach platform for about an hour and we then walked into Lindos centre where we had the most gorgeous meal at Arhontiko (we feel this is the nicest meal we had on the island) and then finished up at Antika bar at about 9pm where we partied the night away until around 2am. Antika is a beautiul, really funky bar.

I really could not have wished for a more perfect day...everyone said the same. The whole day felt so relaxed.

I honestly don't think I would do anything different. My slight worries that I had (it being too hot, the ceremony being too short, being like a conveyor belt etc) were all untrue.

Good luck to all you Lindos have picked the most beautiful and romantic place on earth to get married. Enjoy!

Emma x

P.S. I forgot to say, after the registra has said his bit, you then sign the register there at the chapel along with your 2 witnesses.
hi claire...i promise i will put pictures on as soon as i figure out how to do it!!!!! some beauties!!!also...about the readings,when we got to the chapel...which as the last poster said is breathtaking,i had only seen it on pictures so when you actually see it its just so cant belive that after spending the best part of 14months looking at pictures that its actually there in front of you...oohh...sorry...readings...we said our vows and exchanged rings,the readings were done....which i have to say was so special,we were then pronounced "husband and wife"...a big lingering kiss or two later and photos we too walked to the top of the steps....confetti rained over really was like something from a film...yep...cheesey but so true!!!
for me...rhodes was the perfect place to get married...of all the places in the world...this will always now have a very special place in my will be so bowled over by st pauls bay....we stayed in pefkos and i have never met such friendlier
people...ever..well....gonna have a wine or 2 now...speak soon love sue xx
oh...sorry...tracey...about the boat....we didnt hire it garbling on and was just a boat full of passengers passing and they did a mexican wave at us...was really funny....i seem to recall seeing lots of places that did boat trips though but dont rember how much...sorry...hope u ok.......
Hi Everybody
I am feeling a bit worried about my flights out to Rhodes I fly in 12 days and i have still not recieved my tickets the travel agency keep changing the amount of days before that they are issued but i feel a if i am just being fobbed off.
Has anyone heard anything i am sure that when i have been away before i had my tickets 4 weeks before my travel date.
I also have to collect tickets for other members of my family who fly out the week after me and they dont live near to the travel agents so i was dropping them off on my way to the airport.

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