Hi Emma where have you been hiding? lol
Its getting close now you must be getting really excited, im a complete bag of mush at the minute. I fly out on the 3rd so wont even get a sneaky peak. Are you all organised? I think we are pretty much sorted, im sure if we forget anything we can pick it up there.
Well good luck sweets and I am sure you will have the most amazing day.
Tammy when you try your dress on you will know its the right one, mine is really simple and light. I had a right good laugh. I had seen a dress on the internet and fell in love with it then when i tried it on it was hideous i fell about laughing i would have looked better in a potato sack honestly. But im delighted with the one i have.
Tracy I would think that the platform would be available to all couples as long as you order drinks. I would assume you could book with them direct if your not using Lindos Weddings after all they are running a business. Not sure how you would go about it though. Sorry if thats not much help but good luck.
Take care Tanya x