We went shopping yesterday to get some bits for upset tummies my niece works for thomson's we book the holiday at her shop and I asked her if she could try and swap it for us but they would not let her they told her the same as they are tell every one else just hoping its not to bad.
We are due to go to this resort on 9th October. I have e-mailed First Choice for their comments on medical problems and will let you know if I get any reply. Don't know if there is any point in asking to transfer the holiday. Really fancied the Holiday Village as I travel on my own with a 10 year old who loves company of other kids just a bit worried about the current situation there.
According to some reviews the problem is not at all as bad as some people are saying so if you are going soon I wouldnt worry too much.
It's a nightmare for us because we originally booked for HV in Egypt, and cancelled because of this very problem. At the time all the reviews for Turkey were good, so we swapped!! Now the reviews for Egypt are fab!!!! Typical!
Still not heard from First Choice either!!
i really dont think the "bug" is food related as my other children ate lots of different foods and werent ill, the hygine is very good and the day we left they were spraying evryones hands with antibactrial spray as entering food hall which is good idea.
i dont think people were drinking enough water which is very important in that heat but i do believe that it is a bug that is being passed around but that is just my opinion, go prepared but have a great time, we did.
visit the pancake lady she is lovely and makes yummy pancakes!!!
any questions feel free to ask

The place has great facilities and staff, its well kept and looks lovely, had it not been for the events of our last day I would have given it a 9/10.
My 3 year old son has been confirmed with Salmonella, the EHO that came to our house said due to the timescales it could only have bee caught from within the hotel. Its salmonella enteritidis (the egg and chicken one) so do not believe all of what FC are saying as we believed them when they said it was a virus. If you are going just be aware and go there and have a great time armed with as much info on food and pool hygiene as possible.
Good luck
We would appreciate it if you could post a review of the hotel for the benefit of other holidaymakers.

Hi, do you need a visa for Turkey??
Yes 10 pound stirling per person. They dont seem to like one twenty per two people for some reason. There is a sticky at the top of the forum with detail and comment.
We fly from Cardiff myself husband and 2 boys 9 + 6 who are soooo excited, my 9 year old has had his case packed for 2 weeks!!
Still no reply from First Choice!!! surprise surprise!
** Edit - To replace link which wasn't working. There's no guarantee that this one will be in the same place as they may move it. luci HT Mod **
** Edit - To replace link which wasn't working. There's no guarantee that this one will be in the same place as they may move it. luci HT Mod **
Edited by
luci HT Mod
2008-09-17 18:33:12
To replace dead link
Spoke to travel agent today about the sickness concerns. Apparently First Choice are aware of the problem and have got in extra cleaners, and are taking extra precautions to stop the virus spreading. They have said it's not salmonella, it's an air bourne virus. Too late to change the booking but if we're ill we can see the doctor free of charge!! That's reassuring!!!
What a laugh, a typical FC cop out to avoid damage limitation. Dont forget they have a very effective legal department who will drag you from pillar to post if you have problems and try to take them on. I'm not a doctor however i'm yet to witness any of my family, friends or aqauaintances who have had an upset stomach from an airborne virus!!!!
Hopefully the bug that has been flying around is now gone - anyone got any updates?
Thanks Emma.
I'm not one to take to much notice of bad reviews as long as there are a few good ones but even im worried now.Looked on the internet for alternatives with first choice but they are all at least a thousand more than ive paid so we will just hope for the best.
Thanks Gav, cant remember what First Choice quoted us? We wont be leaving the hotel until about 2am...and we will be kicked out that morning so 12 hours without a room would be anightmare plus we are taking an 11 yr and 16 yr old! I wouldnt mind a little bit of kip
I heard today the floors around the pool areas are extremely slippery and the lady I was speaking to said her friend has just come back with a broken collar bone from a fall!!! Good news though she didn't get diahorrea!!!!

Gonna try and get some rubber swim socks for my boys and hope they keep them on, have you ever tried telling a very ecxited 6 year old not to run!
I'm hoping by the time we get there and all the ill people have gone home it may not be such a problem for us.
Hello ndshelton.
I would sit tight for a while if I were you. We originally booked for the Red Sea HV and went through this very same thing in July. I panicked as you do, and changed to Turkey and guess what, Reviews are now Fabulous for Red Sea and are abysmal for Turkey, typical!!!

I will write you a very honest review when I get back on 14th Oct.
Thanks for that! 11 & 16 year old should be easier to tell not to run...but yes i see your dilema with a 6 year old.
The reprots on other sites seem to be getting better - so i am starting to look forward to it a bit more now. Was dreading it, which is bad cause we paid a lot of money for this holiday and my sisters are so looking forward to it, why did it seem like such a good idea to take them on hol for thier xmas present?

My way of lookign at the reviews - there are 3500 people there per week (every other week?) and only a few posts, so the people who have been affected want to write soemthing bad yet the people who had a great time don't tend to bother! Soem good ones are popping up now...i am goign to have another scout today!
Anyone know what the weather is like end of the week and next week?

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