It's interesting to read of the regulations regarding exit seats. We have just returned from Mexico on a FCA aircraft. We usually travel with TC and my main concern with flying FC was that we couldn't choose our actual seat numbers in advance. In the event, we were seated together on the outbound with a window seat. On the return we asked for exit seats at check in (I had previously phoned FC months ago to request these but were told they were all sold?!) and paid £80.00 for exit seats together in row 11. On boarding we found that row 11 had only 3 central seats and one of these was vacant. Someone sitting in row 12 asked if her teenaged son could have this seat. I protested to the cabin crew as we had paid £80.00 for these seats and we could have had them at no cost! We were basically told 'tough'.
I don't resent the fact the lad sat there, though I am a bit miffed he had the seat for no extra cost. According to First Choice's brochure, you have to be aged 20+ to sit in an exit seat on a long haul flight and he wasn't.
They seem to make up the rules as they go along!
I don't think that includes centre isle seats though. That's only applicable to emergency exit seats by the doors where the passenger may need to open the door in an emergency. The CAA age limit is 16 so still perfectly legal. You're right to be miffed though, I would be after forking out that much.
I am just wondering what will happen to the FCA 767 aircraft that are currently configured 2-3-2 as I believe the Thomson aircraft are still 2-4-2? I doubt there is little chance of Thomson adopting the FCA format.
given extra leg room seats at check in because the agent remarked that I was very tall (~ 6' 4");We asked on the way back at check in but were told we would have to pay £60! I refused as it was a relatively short flight but felt very aggrieved when we found out that another couple had been moved into vacant extra legroom seats by aircrew for nothing! Especially as they were both very short people.Where is the logic in that?
I have also found that ELR seats are not always available to book on line in advance now - is this a ploy to get the Premium cabin filled first??
Cazholly, we had a similar experience recently flying to Turkey;Outbound we were I have also found that ELR seats are not always available to book on line in advance now - is this a ploy to get the Premium cabin filled first??

brewerdave wrote:I have also found that ELR seats are not always available to book on line in advance now - is this a ploy to get the Premium cabin filled first??
I believe it's done just in case there is a requirement for them, eg medical seats, give chance for taller people to phone and request them etc.
The aircraft are staying as they are, they aren't being reconfigured. Some of the TOM aircraft are leaving the fleet, some reverting to short haul. I posted the Thomson Airways fleet arrangemens on page 89 of the Thomsonfly thread a while back. 2x ex-FCA aircraft will be based at MAN and 2x at Gatwick. The other 2x will be rotated around the regional airports. MAN and LGW will each have 1x ex-TOM aircraft based there so there'll be a mix of long haul aircraft. The ex-TOM aircraft will be used on higher density long haul routes, for example Orlando Sandford. Remember Thomsonfly and First Choice will be no more, the new airline is Thomson Airways.
Dazbo5 wrote:cazzholly,
I don't think that includes centre isle seats though. That's only applicable to emergency exit seats by the doors where the passenger may need to open the door in an emergency. The CAA age limit is 16 so still perfectly legal. You're right to be miffed though, I would be after forking out that much.
It is 14 on Thomson Airways
Mama Mia or Wall-E
Depending on amount of children and/or time- both maybe shown.
TV-one or all shows maybe shown depending on time
Goks fashion fix
Top Gear
Gavin & Stacey
Spongebob Squarepants
The Incredible Hulk or Journey to the Centre of the Earth
depending on the amount of children and/or time- both maybe shown.
TV-one or all shows maybe shown depending on time
30 Rock
The Simpsons
Dragons Den
Faulty Towers
Fast Track(POP)
Freestyle and Judge Jules
Jazz Moods
Take it easy
Long Haul
Movies Outbound
*The Dark Knight
*Mamma Mia
*The Deal
Meet Dave
Kitt Kittredge
Swing Vote
Movies Inbound
*The Incredible hulk
*Gets Smart
*The X-Files I want to Believe
Baby Mama
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- Indiana Jones
Kung fu Panda
Journey to the Centre of the Earth
When Did You Last See Your Father
*Who wants to be a millionaire
*Bejeweled Deluxe
Disney Classic Game
Insaniquarium Deluxe
*= premium passengers only or those that pay £5.00 to upgrade to premium package
Incidently, I'm flying to Cancun from MAN on 30th November at 9:15. Could you tell me what style plane I can expect please? It was originally a FCA flight, but code is now TOM - will the plane still be First Choice design or will it now be Thomson. Thanks :-)
It will be a 767 that was ex-fca so 2-3-2 throughout both cabins
Again, thanks.
great thanks for film listings for Nov/Dec
i was wondering the exact same thing. I prefer the FCA layout with 2-3-2 as more room etc. I just thought in the meantime whilst they are using ex FCA & ex TOM planes for longhaul it is false advertising? Because you arent officially told by them what plane you will be on apart from its a thomson flight.
As I mentioned above, the 2-3-2 configuration won't be lost and the aircraft brought in to line in the near future. There isn't any false advertising as you are still getting the 33" seat pitch they advertise. They don't advertise the seating configuration, just the seat pitch.
Yeah I understand about the seat pitch but if your use to flying longhaul on a FC plane with the 2-3-2 and then fly on a TOM plane with the 2-4-2 it will be a bit of a difference and i think the entertainment systems are different aswell. Ah well i dont go until next September anyway so things may be different! Thanks for your help
I agree, I wouldn't like to fly on a current TOM aircraft being used to FCA, I'm off to Mombassa on one in March (fingers crossed!). As the airlines merge though, the majority of long haul flights will be operated by ex-FCA aircraft. There's only going to be 2x ex-TOM long haul aircraft in use and in the near future, I hear they may be reconfigured to the current FCA as part of fleet homologation. The IFE is the same basic system offering the same standard.
Darren do you know the route of the incoming aircraft which is then used on FC Thursday flight to Goa ex Manchester / Gatwick
you mean the TOM353/4? I'll not be able to track aircraft movements until the end of the week. Remind me and I'll take a look.
Just a quick point, the 2-3-2 layout does not really give anyone apart from the crew more room as the seat width is exactly the same (within .5cm) and the additional space given out to the aisle.
I have to say I didn't really notice that much diffrence in seat width on the FCA flight to Cuba. The diffrence must be in the aisles as BY-TOM-AMM-FCA says... but even they didn't look much wider. Seat pitch is the important factor

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