It all started in a fairly civilised manner with us having a meal with a couple of other HT'ers prior to 'kick off'.... . shortly joined by another couple of members... slowly we became aware that we had HT 'ers at lots of other tables... well, after having wandered about saying to people 'are u an HT'er?'

so anyhow, once identified we were kind of all talking round the restaurant at each other while we ate from our various tables, Ram then put some tables together for us, .... and then more and more tables, as other members drifted in....
we knew Billy Blue Nose and family were coming and somehow I was volunteered to find him.!! (thanks Split) so there I was ...walking around asking innocent people having a meal if they were billybluenose... well needless to say I got some real funny looks .. and replies!!

The sore point of the night was that they were trying out kareoke for the following night (New Years Eve) and we had changed the meet night............. it was quite embarrassing because none of us wanted it as we couldnt chat, so a plan was devised 'not too clap' (I wont say by who......Mrs Split!!!) it did seem to get quieter later we got louder..... well that is until Billy BN son decides to sing for us and do a strip.... well as far as i can remember!! see photos for evidence!! by this time there were loads of us taking up most of the restaurant, everybody was laughing chatting and having a great time,.....drinking coffee!!! ...however, Dunks wife Debbie was hitting the cocktails... their kids thought we were all nuts I expect, but tolerated us... Linb was nearly throwing up because she laughed so much when i told her we all thought her and her o/h wanted a romantic xmas dinner as they had an intimate table for two, despite there being two seats on our table...she actually had to run off to the ladies to recover herself on hearing this!!
Dogfish (initially!) was being civilised (or trying to appear so

I later heard on bumping into her, that flossytindrawers actually did come to the meet, but when she heard the kareoke, she did an about turn and didnt come up the stairs ..... huh what a night you missed flossytindrawers, especially me singing 'Bobbys Girl'

we left eventuallly, not sure what time, and I spent the whole of the next day in bed and had to crawl out and prepare for New Years Eve out with o/h... needless to say i didnt drink that night , ... but I think the party probably went on long after I left??! I must add I didnt actually drink much, it was more a case of mixing them!!
