A holiday website is so confident that their prices will be cheaper than the competition that they state they will triple the difference between their price and the competitors price. The 'triple the difference' pay out would effectively pay for my 7 days holiday. I reviewed all their T&C's and I can definitely cover all requirements but I'm loathe to pay up for the more expensive otbeach.com holiday if they then try squirm out of their offer.
Has anyone actually claimed a double or triple the difference offer, from any holiday company?
Are you sure that you actually have to book it,can you not just get a quote from the dearer company?
Yep - I have to book it first, then send them screen shots (on the same day I book it) of the other website offering same deal (i.e. flight + named hotel), on the same day.
,Are you sure they are not claiming to be cheaper and if you can find it cheaper then they pay treble the difference.I suspect you may have it the wrong way round.T.
surely if you have to book,the dearer holiday,then your holiday is booked with them.the firm,then offering the cheaper holiday,is not going to,give you treble the difference,for nothing,as they haven't even got your booking.
The company with the more expensive holiday offers to 'Treble the difference' if I can find the holiday cheaper, elsewhere on the same day.
But I have to actually book the holiday with the more expensive company before I can take them up on their offer.
Sorry,I thought you had it the wrong way round,it sounds good,how much difference is there between them and are they both exactly the same,if so they should pay out.Let us know how you get on,please.
What Company is offering the dearer holiday?
Triple the difference meaans I should be paid £882.36
I'm tempted but can't help feeling that they won't pay-up. It's the exact same filight & hotel.
The question is do you feel lucky? Remember the mobile phone offers - send in your invoices and get your money back. I know a few who did but they all finished up out of pocket.
Just make sure that all the elements are the same.
Would you mind posting the details of the two holidays (eg hotel and dates) on here so perhaps others can check?

BTS,are you anything to do with otbeach as it says Mark otbeach.com
Be careful as the package only has to be slightly different and they will claim it isn't the same. The difference could be as small as the rep bing based in your hotel or not, the transfers to the hotel, the welcome meeting having champagne or something equally silly. I still think you have got it confused. If you book the more expensive holiday then why would the other company give you £800 for nothing? Surely, as someone else suggested, you have to book the holiday with the company making the offer and then try to find the same holiday cheaper elsewhere.
I think its otbeach making the claim but the poster has found it cheaper through somebody else,on his last post it looks to me as though he signs off as Mark otbeach.com,this implies to me that there may be some connection between him and otbeach.
He was answering Mark's question. The company with the dearer holiday is otbeach.
I'm really sorry,,I thought that was his signature.
Fiona,I can see it now,how dumb am I????,good thing nobody knows who I am,I wouldn't be able to walk down the road without somebody taking the mick
Thanks,Fiona,only hope the poster can see the funny side,I certainly didn't mean to offend.
I thought it was a sig as well - then realised the poster was saying to "Mark - otbeach"......:lol:

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