Just picking up on another thread about people mentioning to you about getting fat
True story for anyone who's bored enough to read it.
I went to Goa for the first time about 5 years ago with my partner. The next year we returned and used the same shack but this time we were on our honeymoon and the shack boys were delighted that Dave and I were married.
(Would like to point out at this stage that this is my second marriage and I'm not a youngster any more, not even close

So the next year we returned again (same shack, same boys) I'd put more than a little bit of weight on (happily contented in my new life) One of the boys came over, perched on the edge of my sunbed and said "Momma you having baby"
Well Dave laughed and I didn't know whether to be flattered that he thought I was still young enough to get pregnant or cry that I looked so fat.
Came back, went on a diet and lost 2 stone