This article and the one that preceded this has prompted me to register with holidaytruths.
I've been looking at various articles since the Summer and have found them very enjoyable to read as well as informative.
However, i was quite angry to read the comments that you received from certain individuals (and long time members it seems) in your original article.
I'd like to congratulate you on your compensation offer!
It seemed obvious from the beginning that you merely wanted to let FirstChoice/Thompson know about certain things that you deemed unsatisfactory about your hoilday, for peace of mind, and so hopefully they are rectified in the near future.
And who wouldn't? You've paid thousands of pounds for a 5 star holiday and got less for what you paid for.
An apology and acceptance of the faults you mentioned would have been fine, yet you recieved and offer of £500 of vouchers, chocs and a bottle champagne. Bonus!
Now, perhaps an apology from said certain individuals on this site wouldn't go amiss?
It looks like a good will gesture was given by Thomson and they should be commended for it. However, that doesn't mean that the next person will get the same treatment and if proper protocol is not followed they may be disappointed by the outcome.
Now, perhaps an apology from said certain individuals on this site wouldn't go amiss?
I'm sure that everybody is happy that rilou81 eventually received a positive response from the TO so let's leave it at that. My experience is that this thread is not the place to post 'articles' - it's for asking for and receiving advice on how to pursue a complaint but that advice is only ever going to be as good as the info posted. OK, so I've been around long enough to feel able to say that I think that everybody who replied to the original post did so in good faith but pointing the finger now is not going to get us anywhere and I can see no point in opening up a further discussion about the rights and wrongs of the way the original thread developed.
Whatever she felt at the time rilou81 has now decided to return and become an active member of the forum again which I welcome. I think she has shown that she has got over the original upset, so perhaps the time has come for the rest of us to get over it too?
It seemed obvious from the beginning that you merely wanted to let FirstChoice/Thompson know about certain things that you deemed unsatisfactory about your hoilday,
fwh made a very good point in his post dated Saturday 11th September at 10:08am.
So, as for this:
Now, perhaps an apology from said certain individuals on this site wouldn't go amiss?

And welcome to the website.

I do not want any apology though as feel my complaint being taken seriously and been rewarded is more than enough

That may start up all the arguments again and i really don't want that!
It was never my intention to start up debates or disagreements again, I came onto here just to let others know if they feel they have not received 100% what they paid for in a holiday then they should complain.
sma I agree, I like coming on here to see where I should go next on holiday, to offer advice on where I have been and to find where not to go! The last thing I want is all the past dragging up and getting into debates again.
Champas and chocs are arriving tomorrow not today after all!! Think I will save them for Friday when fingers crossed our house goes up for sale!!! xx

I just wanted to say my peace and i think that's fair enough.
Apologies for drudging the whole saga up again though.
I whole heartedly agree with you on the point of complaining if something isn't right with your holiday. Otherwise, how are travel companies going to know if something is wrong and rectify the problem?
And if, like yourself, you receive some form of compensation, then like i said before, it's a nice bonus!
Good luck with the sale of your house!

Hi I know this thread is very old but wondering if any member are still active and could please help me with my current complaint
Kaylieanne88, you might be better starting a new thread with as much information as you can give...
I've done that thank you

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