Been watching it on the iplayer as well, have watched episodes 1-4. I feel for the families that've had holidays from hell.

to Monarch for giving the lads on episode 4 flights home for free.
I've only had two bad holidays in my lifetime, the first in 1984 when my brother was taken ill, airflighted home but passed away about 3 hours before Dad & I got home with my grandparents who were with us on the holiday. To give you some idea, we left Bordeuax the monday morning, Dad drove the whole way up to calais where we got the ferry to Dover and were at my other Nan's house in Norfolk 6amish on the Tuesday.
The other holiday was February 2008, my husband and I were in Portugal with my parents when we found out that my Nan had died, that was tough as I'd had many holidays with my parents and Nan & Grandad out in Portugal during my childhood (parents had a timeshare). We were going to places that brought back happy memories which hurt a lot.