we miss you both Alfi and chris
was a great meet last night and a good time had by all, still going strong this far into march!! who was there??? Billybluenose, spike, Irish Noel, Polly50, Irishman and Irishcolleeen, Elephantlover, Dragon07, Gemma, mazd, mamatembi, Linb, Lassi, me (Chilly) and all our other halves friends and families!!! sorry if i have missed anyone, i am sure i have, but unintentionally!! must be all that coffee!!!!
really so sad to say goodbye to Lassigirl and o/h and we will miss his (o/h's) wonderful hawaii shirts

much to lassi's disgust, (snigger) they brightened up our wed nights, see you both next year and thanks for taking the trouble and effort to travel all the way from the south each week for the meets....
... also off before the next meet will be Irishnoel, irishcolleen,mamatemby, Mazd irishman polly50 and their O/H's we will miss you all guys
sadly Fizzy was unable to come as she has been really poorly since arrival, so sorry about that Fizz, glad you are feeling a bit brighter today though.... go get that tan!!!
Meagain and O/H werent there either as meagain had to undergo some dental suregery...hope you are feeling better today

but at least it got her indoors cooking dinner for once!!!
BBN thrashed everyone in sight on the pool table including my O/H .... hehe .... it was sooo good to see you guys again and as i hadnt met Spike before i was really happy.... as i missed him last year (one of the few meets i think i missed last year and he was there durrr) so good to hook up this time and was bit surprised to see he didnt have spikey hair hehe !!!! talking of hair there were some good colours after Holi!!!!
thanks everyone for making wed nights such fun
Edited by
2011-03-24 07:07:15