I have looked at other messages on here and not seen one about plugs, are the pug sockets just the standard european travel adaptors or do we need a special one of some kind.
Also I was thinking about something to do, and wondered could we take our laptop with us and at least have something to play a few games on if we do happen to get bored. Is this a good idea or do you not recommend taking this, I'm staying at the Hyatt but am still not sure about security and everythng like that.
Where is the best cheapest place to go for lunch, which hotel or bar, and what do you get for your money?
And the waterworld shuttle bus will there be a times list and notice saying where it picks you up from? Does the driver speak english, so when you ask to be dropped at the garage is it easy to communicate or do you have to explain what you want?
Also the walk back from the garage is it straight forward, i'd hate to take a wrong turning and end up stranded in some desert lol
And last but not least, the cigarettes and wine, we are taking wine boxes, but is it better to get some from gatwick and what is your limit? And ciggarettes in taba from the garage or airport where is the small duty free shop in the airport? do they sell menthol ciggarettes over there as my mum smokes them and wants me to bring some cheap ones back for her!
Right rant of questions over, thanks for all your help, 2 and a half weeks to go!!! yay!