Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
basic phrases
75 Posts
Nice one Roger. But I can't see one for "you have a face like a camels backside".

The most important one you need is

ساعة خارجا. هنا يأتي سويسرية

which means "watch out, here comes Swiss" (I think)
You can just say it to me in english, i'll understand!

How did you work that arabic one out?
I just let my 9 week old grandson scribble on the monitor.
طبعت نصك هنا. شهر ماي يذهب جمالك أبدا جائعة
"Make famous [maay] your beauty goes hungry eternity" :?

Not about Swiss, is it?
Thats all well and good you two, but my high school didnt stretch to teaching us how to read arabic... we only covered basic German!

What I actually put in to the translator was :-

May your camels never starve.

Fat lot of good that is :rofl
I've just translated "watch out, here comes Swiss" into Arabic, then back to English. It comes out as

"Hour of outside. Here Swiss comes"

Think I'll stick to English too!
Linzy, so sorry, we hijacked your thread. How many words have you learnt so far?
Linzy... you don t need to say "get lost" in Arabic... The Carrot understands English... ( well he sometimes pretends to ).
Unfortunately I dont think Carrot and I will cross paths whilst i'm in Egypt.

And So far I haven't really learnt that much, I printed out a list of words from the internet but the pronunciation (cant even spell that) is where I come a cropper!
I've been learning some Arabic, bought a Mp3 from iTunes last week,

I can say, Hello, how are you?. I'm every well thank you. Whats your name?, my name is Mark. Thank you. Goodbye.

Think thats all I need really... gonna keep learning it though. Can't believe how hard it is though.
I think all I really need to know is hello, Thank you and goodbye.

As usually thats all I need on holiday, just as courtesy!

The mere fact that you try to say a few words in Arabic will earn you a lot of respect from most Egyptian people.
Thank you for the advice, it is nice when you walk into a shop or restaurant to say hello to the staff, and then thank you when you leave.

I've always managed it in Spain/ Cuba, and it shows a bit of respect.

I just don't get all this masculine/ feminine versions, why cant one phrase/ word cover everything!
Don't ask me, my Arabic is probably worse that yours!! :lol: :lol:
Just back from Hurghada and learnt just a few basic words and your right-they do respcct you for it. Even if I said Thankyou in Arabic the locals seemed so impressed that I had made the effort! They are by far the friendliest people I come across in my life!
Don't know if someones already told you but heres a few and I know they are spelt wrong-I've spelt them how they are pronounced..

Salam Alako- think its a friendly way of saying hi but someone told me it means 'peace be with you'

Shock-ran - thankyou

la - no

naam - yes

Sapah Al-kar - (with a strongly pronounced h!)

Maya Maya! - good!

Akel Gameele - Beautiful food

Gameel- beautiful (for a man)

Gameela- beautiful (for a women)

Aotah - Cat

Maasalama - seeya/bye

Wahashdenny - i miss you

They certainly came in useful for me. Sorry if these are wrong -they are just what someone told me!

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