Because the extra legroom seats are in emergency exit rows i think the CAA regulations state all persons in these rows have to be aged 14 or more & able bodied. I think this is so they are able to open the doors/emergency exits if needed. Premium class is normally at the front of the plane , not emergency exit rows with upgraded seating & service.
When I was 20 wks pregnant told not possible for me to sit in the extra legroom on a flight to Mallorca as these seats were all on emergency exits and I might hinder an evacuation I was big but not that big
Yes we always try to book the extra leg room seats and we have to familiarise ourselves with a leaflet they give you which tells you how to open the door. When we book them they always make sure we are able bodied and that I am not pregnant and obviously no kids.
Sorry you asked about Premium, is this with first choice?
If so you get a different coloured seat, orange juice just before take off and a tiny bit of extra leg room which is not visible to the naked eye
I was on a flight in march and they asked a child to move from the exit seat as they arent able bodied as they call it so unless your seats are elsewhere childeren will not be able to sit there , although the last longhaul flight i was on we had extra legroom and were not at an exit door we were behind a second set of toilets half way down the plane and the middle isle also had 4 e/leg seats also but i wouldnt sit in the isle seats through choice as people were queuing for the toilets in front of their seats and the people were complaining.