Hi nettie noo
Is the Swim Kids still going ?
hi is the hv in kos advertised yet as we've been thinking of greece for a while and loved the hv in turkey
...also an update on my husband the elephant man, the bites are now going down and his ankle is almost back to normal although he was in some pain for a while, in reply to the question about antihistamins you can get tablet form from most chemists, supermarkets and savers/wilkos type shops also a liquid form for children under the age of 12 is available at asda.

I was at the PP from 19th Sept to 3rd Oct... I stayed in one half of an interconnecting room and it was huge.. if there are five of you and you are lucky enough to actually get your interconnecting rooms next to each other then you will have tonnes of room.. however.. I do not jest when I say "if you are lucky enough"... the people who moved into the room that was interconnecting with mine had actually booked two interconnecting rooms as they were part of a large family... an then upon arrival discovered that although they had interconnecting rooms.. they weren't actually connecting to each other!!!!!!
I must warn anyone who is having an interconnecting room but travelling alone and not actually sharing the two rroms with friends or family. You can hear EVERYTHING that goes on in the room next to you. During my first week I rather guiltily overheard complete conversations between a husband and wife about their family and feelings towards them. And during my second week.. when the next family moved in... I spent three hours (after being woken by their noisy arrival in the early hours of the morning) listening to them talk about the ins and outs of a cats backside. Please be aware.. everything you say.. everything you do.. every cupboard you ooen.. every cough... fart... burp... sneeze and moan can be heard by the people in the room next door if you are interconnecting. Please have some respect for the people in the adjoining room.
Now on to my attempt at a review.
As a single Mother travelling with my 14 year old daughter (in a large party of 15 ppl altogether) our room was MASSIVE for just the two of us and I would thoroughly recommend a twin room or double room for a family of three. My friends (who were married in the Tropical during their stay) were booked into a "family room" with their three children and were astonished to find that their room was exactly the same size as mine. Needless to say I had their eldest daughter in my room with myself and my daughter for most of my vacation.
I must agree with many of the positive comments on this forum that have come in since the debacle of the early part of the season. The Palace is an amazing place to stay. The only people who complained about anything in the whole of our 15 strong party were a couple of extremely picky people who moaned about getting three quarters of a glass of beer and the speedy service in the Italian Resteraunt (Mr Lubba Lubba anyone).
The place is spotless, the staff work hard to keep you happy.. especially if you treat them with the respect they deserve for putting up with the atrocious way they are treated by 80% of the people at the hotel. Some simple basic rules are just completely ignored by guests at the complex and it is this disregard for the "rules" that resulted in mess. You are specifically asked not to take plates of food back to your rooms and yet this simple request is ignored and then results in people littering the corridors with plates of half eaten food and wondering why their are flies buzzing around.
The pool areas were kept as clean as possible under the circumstances. I saw on a numerous occasions people eating food at the poolside and then leaving their plates with the remnants of food on them lying around to be blown about by the wind that seemed to descend every afternoon. If these people had bothered to put their plates in one of the copious amounts of bins around the pool area then there would have been no sign of the squashed chips and pizza and spilt drinks... you wouldn't leave your food lying around at home.. (would you?).
The children in our party ranged in age from 9 years old to 14 years old. The elder children were able to keep themselves occupied (sunbathing by the pool every day and hanging out with us "elders" in the evenings. The younger children didn't want to join any of the clubs and are well behaved enough not to have to worry that they just wanted to hang out with us all day.
We all enjoyed the various types of entertainment that went on in the evenings. Cabaret.. shows.. discos.. everything. There is a wide variety. If anyone was lucky enough to catch the "Soul Man" then I am sure they will heartily agree with me that he was fabulous.
I really have nothing else to add regarding the food. Everything I had was hot.. and fresh and, as long as you have a good look at what you are eating.. you shouldn't have any problems. The range was massive.. there really is something for everyone.. you just have to hunt around for it.
The beach is admittedly a bit of a let down. but for just 5 lira and smile you can get a taxi in to Sarigerme Beach which is spotless golden sand.. with fabulous safe shoreline for swimming and even facilities for getting coffee and snacks it is well worth the trip if you fancy laying on a beach if you get sick of the 17 different pools.
For anyone getting married at the Tropical I would like to warn you. The prices you see in the First Choice Wedding Brochure are only the tip of the iceberg. Although I don't have the precise details my friend (who was married during our vacation) was stunned by the amount and cost of the simple extras (like getting her hair done and flowers and wedding photos)and these are all things that you don't hear about until you sit withy the wedding co-ordinator. If anyone has any specific questions about weddings please pm me an I'll endeavour to get the answers for you.
Mossies... DO NOT FORGET to spray yourself with mossie repellant before leaving for the airport.. no matter what time of day or night it is. Myself and my daughter amazingly got through the whole two week vacation without one mossie bite... (Avon Insect Repelleant After Sun Lotion and Jungle thingy spray from Boots) only for me to be eaten alive in the airport and on the plane on the way home.
Thats it... I would have had an absolutely amazing and fantastic holiday if it hadn't been for the fact that the bride (my best friend) was so sick both before during and after the wedding (in fact for most of the vacation) that she only wore her wedding dress for 20 minutes and couldn't even stay for the "reception" ...
Now where did I put that back scratcher?
Oh... there were a number of people videoing the downpour and subsequent flooding that occurred last Sunday... can anyone upload it to the Gallery... or are they saving it for another "Holiday from Hell" tv show.
they did and without any extra charge.
I'm trying to finally pack and just cant cram it all in one case! can anyone tell me whether i need to take towels? or can i use the ones they supply!!

Have a fantastic time,wish i was still there.
had to laugh when you mentioned mr lubbalubba - we called him that too, he spoke so fast we couldn't make out what he was saying! however, after his initial demands of soup or bruchetta, soup or bruchetta, we found him quite funny and as he made sure we got starters and garlic bread, 7 pizzas for our party of five and two extra deserts and also kept bringing us new rounds of drinks whether we wanted them or not felt obliged to tip him,. the kids keep going on about him now and thought he was marvellous!
definately an experience!
we only went 2 weeks ago and found the blue towels round the pool went very quickly,we managed to get 2 and made them last all week ,the room has plenty of towels so no worry there,but we took 2 beach towels and did need them,maybe we were getting to the pool to late...but i wasent geting up early just to get a towel!!!!!
We are packing to go off to palace on Monday and was wondering if anyone can tell me what our luggage allowance is.
On our ticket it says each passenger has an allowance of 20kg.but can i have a suitcase with clothes for 3 people weighing 55kg or will i then be charged a fee?
Have heard that any one case must not weigh over 30kg
Any info would be appreciated
If there is 3 of you then your allowance is 60KG. But any cases weighing above 30kg are not allowed. It best to distribute the weight amongst a few cases
hi ,
For questions regarding baggage, please use
Hi both
hey im goin here in 9 days is it good whats the hotel like ??
Mr Lubba lubba was the most dedicated waiter I came across while I was there from 19th Sept to 3rd October. He deserved every lira of his tip. Make sure you give your tip to your specific waiter and not in the tip box. We gave ours to Mr Lubba lubba, and he was so grateful.
Sorry mods to go on about the mossie bites, but like kleptouk, I am like the elephant woman!!
After not being bitten for the first week at all, then getting on average 3 a night til the end of our holiday, thought they were all gone, but alas, they've come back to haunt me!!!
Every single one of them has come back, but not in their original form. They are in disguise as a tennis ball under my skin!!! They are rock hard, red hot, very swollen and so itchy that I want to take the hair brush to them!! They also have a bruise right around them and they ache!!
On going to see my gp, she told me I have had a acute delayed allergic reaction to them, and even put me on the sick from work!! (Ah what a shame)
Was looking at going back next year to PT but really couldn't go through this again. It's been sheer hell.
So even though I remembered all the repellants, creams and sprays, you never know if you'll be allergic to them until they come back for their encore!
As for the storm there last Sunday, stupid us decided to go to Sarigerme market!!!
Hubby lost his flip flops in the flood going down the main street of the market. I was stood under the tarpauline when it split right above me and I got soaked!! (My language was not something I'm proud of) I can honestly say that is the worst storm I have ever seen. I was actually very scared.
On returning to the hotel and making our way back to the room to get dry, the water was cascading through the light fitting in the corridor. Not so bad if we were on the top floor, but we were on the first floor. (1113)
Hope this hasn't put anybody off as we had our best holiday yet here. Go and enjoy it.
You should have a look at the hotel review section, its under Holiday village Pegasus Palace, and holiday village Pegasus Tropical. The latest ones come up first giving you the most upto date information.
The early reports were done as the hotel first opened, (with all its major problems) but as the weeks and months have passed its got better and better, just leaving the flies in the restaurant, the mossies, and the food which can sometimes be a bit hit and miss, to sort out.
On the whole you should have a great time!
hope this is of some use

Hopefully meet some of you out there.
To those that have been,Ihope the next 2 weeks are not too chilly for you

Better go and finish packing

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