Just arrived back from the Tropical Friday, had excellent time. Had slight elephantitus while out there (mosi bites). Found food a little hit and miss too. But managed on it.
We were caught out by the storm, got back to our room after breakfast to find our own private pool in our room. No ques at bar, lots of sunbeds available at all times, found some guest quite rude, but just laughed at them.
Missing the place already.
About to fly out on Sat and just wondering about the weather out there at the moment, I have looked it up and it states that it will be early 70's which can be quite cool in the UK but warmer in Turkey. Does anyone have any more info?

does anyone know if there is a laundrette at the palace/tropical?
my husband is at the palace at the moment (rode down from here by motorbike!) . says the temperature is 'just right' during the day, and it is cooler in the evenings and can be a bit breezy so he;s told me to bring a fleece for the kids to keep the wind chill out.... got to leave for the airport shortly! see ya there!
We got back last Monday and while we were there the weather was great it did seem to change the second week and we had a day or unsettles weather but the temperature was about 30-35 during the days. Some evening we cool and we always went out prepared with tops but only the kids wore them
We had out towels stollen to we relied on the hotel towels which were dished out of a hut between the main pool and the kiddies pool at the palace i went there at different times in the morning but the best time to get them is about 8-45 till 9.15 after that they might of gone.
The check in is a nightmare they still have not got that sorted but bare with them and you will get to your room shortly but after a flight and you are tired you want to be in your room asap.
We ate most of the time at the palace and one of the waiters there was a nightmare ,often taking our food without finishing it, they do a good job in keeping tables clean but taking your food after you have cues for 15 mins sometimes got you mad.
Keep spraying that Sin Kov spray and take it out with you and keep spraying, but i dod think the mozzies are imune to it as i got some really bad bites and i too looked like i had elephantitus but luckilky i am ok now.
On the last day we were stuck in the storm to and getting from room to brakfast was all inside but was still wet through as it was raining through the hotel, alot of areas were flooded the foyer next to the restaurant was badly flooded and all the people watching as if they have neverseen bad rain before was unbeleivable.
We did see some strange people, 2 women fighting for a table and kids going to the buffett and getting there food and stood there eating it at the same time and getting more food with their fingers, nice!! so i passed on that one. But we found the food pretty poor, i was dying to get home to eat some decent food my kids lived on bread and butter for most meals, so we spend a fortune in the shops on an evening buying crisps and food they would eat.
Some people did take the mickey but there was also some nice families.
Have fun to people going out i am sure you will have a good time, i was dreading going but we had a good time apart from some of the bad points i have raised and others have raised.
I still wish i was there now.
İ amhere at the moment. Weather great durıng day but will need a light top for nıght. Will post full revıew when I am back. No laundrette !!!! Remember when you are here an on the net it is a Turkish keyboard so need to use other i!
I think their "orders" were to clear the tables of dirty dishes as soon as possible,and this they did most efficiently and i,m glad they did, never at at any time did we get to our dessert with dirty dishes still on the table. They were cheerful and seemed to take a pride in there job, in spite of the bad mannered guests they had to endure.
I sometimes wonder were we really at the same hotel as these people who constantly complain, We enjoyed it immensely but its not a place i,d visit twice, far too remote, far too many british guests.
hi black knight, glad you had a good holiday, did you find the mosquito's a bad problem? we're gonig on the 17th with 5 kids ( one only 10 months) so abit worried about them getting bit (taking jungle cream/spray) seems some people are still getting dodgy tummy, did any of you suffer from this?
if you,ve got kids you will simply love this place, unfortunately we didnt have any just the two of us and it really is a kids paradise. the complex is huge surrounded by stunning mountains, i,m sure you and your kids will love it.
we didnt have any tummy problems, and we tried all kinds of food.
On the whole we had a great holiday but the food wasn't very good for the first half of the week but got better at the end. The poolside snack bars at lunchtime we found to be awful and soon discovered that it was better to go to the restaurant. We tried the Italian (Tropical) one night and it was awful so didn't stay there long. We ate in the town on 2 occasions which was really nice. Breakfast was always good.
Hired a speedboat on the beach for a couple of hours which was great fun (scary at the time though).
Most of the FC reps were really helpful apart from one (Nicky) was was agressive and rude.
I think you will have a great time if you are still to go.
Well 2 days to go before we're off to the Palace!! After being worried about the food and mozzies we're just going equiped and with an open mind to enjoy our holiday - I really looking forward to it now.
IT seems that the palace has all the problems,because we stayed at tropical and had no probs with waiters taking our plates whilst we were still eating,there was always pleanty of food even for the fussyiest of ppl(cant understand why kids were living on bread and butter!)as there was loads of plain stuff ie salads which could be ate with the fresh pizza or chicken nuggets which were cooked daily!! plus chips and burgers and hotdogs daily ate the bars....there is a laundrett well we saw one at tropical!!! hope this helps ppl
Like blacknight, we were also at the pegasos village the last 2 weeks of september. (19th sept - 3rd oct)
We aslo didn't get bitten for the first week. This was because the whole complex and rooms had been sprayed on the 20th september. I can only assume this lasts a week as everyone got bitten after the week later. I had a really bad allergic reaction to the bites 5 days after returning, when I thought they'de all gone!! They came back the size of saucers, swollen, hard, red and extremely itshy and painful. I am now left with circular bruises where all 15 of my bites were!! Now my sister is off to the doctors today as hers have now come back. It doesn't matter what you use, they are immune to it anyway. If you're tasty, they'll have you.
We were at thr tropical by the way. Ventured over to the Palace, and found it to be noisy, crowded and groups of teenagers hanging round. Saying that, none of them were rude or offensive that we saw.
We found the food to be good. Have you tried catering for 4000+ fussy brits? Thought not. Don't knock it til you've tried to do it yourself!!!
Hi, yes there was alot to eat but most of the food wasn't edible for children. The so called chicken nuggets were deep fried and well over cooked, the burgers were the same and when my 1 year old ate chicken for the first time he got very bad stomach and bad diarrohea and was at the hospital all day yesterday.I had a chicken wrap 1 night and all the meat inside was raw so when you see this i does put you off.This was all at the palace. There isn't a launderette but a washing service where you are charged per item which works out very expensive.
İ am ın the Palace now and havıng a good tıme. Unfortunatly today ıt ıs raınıng but thıs wont spoil our stay. What can i say about the mosquitos!!!! We have been using Boots Extra Strength and I am sure it has helped but İ have stıll got bitten. We have just brought some Sin Kov and thıs seems to be working. You will get bitten and that cant be helped but some people react diffently to others.
İ go home on Thursday and am having a good time but would not come back. This ıs because İ feel that there ıs too many English and also that the place is too vast and remote. Of course thıs ıs personal so dont let ıt put you off.
The thıng that İ am most upset by ıs the Englısh mentatılıty. İ have wıtnessed many slangıng matches. Punch ups and swearıng at each other and children. İ really did not want it to be like thıs but it ıs Butlins in the sun! The restaurant ıs very canteen like and what surprises me is the fact that they do not serve you drinks like the other AI I have been to. The food is not too bad ıf but a bıt greasy. The theme restaurants are very slow with their servıce and the food options are very limıted and small portioned.
Right on to the good things. The kids club is brıll the reps are great. There are some nice people in every bad 8 or so. The waiters are also very nıce. İt ıs amazıng ıf you just try to teach yourself a bit of the language before you come over they appreciate you makiıng the effort so come on everybody dont be so b*******dy English!
To all that are coming enjoy and make your own mınd up just find the bits you like and stıick to that!
İ wıll be here for about another 30 mıns ıf you have questions
Oh i forgot to add like Black Knıght said if you are a couple dont bother coming here it wıll not be for you!
We found the food to be good. Have you tried catering for 4000+ fussy brits? Thought not. Don't knock it til you've tried to do it yourself!!!
We found the food to be ok, nothing more, nothing less... This is advertised and sold as a 4* complex, and that is an overall rating of the "whole" holiday... The pools and rooms are 4* (+) but the food and Dining facilities are far from it in my opinion. Before you all start going off on one and saying that I am fussy, what am I used to etc, etc... I have always stayed in 4* AI and have always found the standards as a whole to be far better than what I experienced here... there has always been a dress code for the evening (and it has been strictly adhered to) there has always been a head waiter/manager at the restaurant entrance maintaining a standard and not allowing people to enter untill there is a table ready for you, I have always been served drinks at the table with my meal... I didn't expect the standards to be so low at the PP and to find myself in a canteen type enviroment with loud and foul mouthed adults and kids alike, swearing to high heavens whilst I was "trying" to enjoy my evening meal....
As for the quote above, no I haven't ever tried catering for 4000+ people and I wouldn't even consider trying to do so, but there again I am not selling the fact that I can in a glossy brochure and charging people thousands for the privilage!!!
Hi ITBarbie
I totally agree with you. If something is advertised and written in a brochure that is what we should get and expect. I have travelled the world and have eaten in restaurants that have had to cater for 1000's and the food has been top quality. Its not a case of being 'fussy brits' its a case of most of the food not being cooked properly. And its not the 'fussy brits' who have caused the salmanela which has been confimed out there its the chefs through not cooking the meat properly etc

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