Its a nice place with lots of potential. It missed a play park for the little kids and also a few more places to visit within walking distance
for the hotel itself, you can see thats its been put together in a bit of a rush and one night a tile gave way under my friends foot, it could of been a lot qorse. the marble steps to the conference room in the PP are a bit slippy and a bit steep for the little one's. One of my party's 2 yrs old gashed his head as he slipped down them ( he had to have stitches) in fact everywhere is quite slippy so everyone be careful) i saw a couple of people in wheelchairs because of accidents at the PP. my son also cut his foot quite bad by the pool with the 3 slides.

I wont miss the food there at all. We all had dreams of bacon sandwiches and a decent cup of tea.
The reps did their best with the entertainment also . Snow white was funny though. :wink:.
Cleaning of the rooms and around the complex was excellent.
The trips are really good too. i recommend the trip to the markets as it was a really good haggling with the locals.

Dalaman Airport - £7 for a pizza slice and about £9 for a whopper meal need i go on.

I loved the weather and the place was nice put i dont think i'll go back as it didnt matter how much mozzy spray we put on ourselves we all got bit to high heaven, im still suffering

Edited by
2005-10-21 12:43:04
Forgive me, but isn't the point of this and other forums to be able to have a whinge or give copliments as you deem fit. If you pay thousands, some people can only afford 1 holiday per year by the way, and you haven't got value for money or feel you have been mislead then by all means spit it out on here. Each to his own is my motto !
why don't you all tell about your stay at the Palace???? You wasn't one of the annoying rude guests like the way you on here were you??

Let people have there say and don't judge or comment of others who have actually been there. I spent £2500 plus spending money like many of the others and i don't whinge or moan just for the sake of it. Does that make me a whinger that i complained and put a post on here that my 1 year old suffered from food poisoning and was in hospital very ill and has only just got better. Keep your childish comments to your self and why don't you think before writing ####.
Sorry mods and all but people like that really annoy me and people like that is one of the reasons people don't like the palace.
Will all contributors Please abide by the t&s's Don't be confrontational when expressing your opinions,
If you haven't stayed at this hotel then do not contribute to this topic which is for previous and future guests of the PP.
Members please do not make any more reference to aesp1408 comments. Please move forward with your discussion and do not let yourselves be side tracked.
Hi Spurs1971,Could you tell me which restarant did you eat in as we never had a meal in the indoor restarant as we could not stand the noise and i throught that the food was better in the outdoor restarant, as for ear infections my doctor said people always blame the pool for bieng dirty, but he said sometimes if its very humid this can course ear infections as well, me and my husband had ear infections when we came back, and i nearlly had to go to hospital as mine was a very nasty one, but i only went in the pool 3 times and that was at the begining of the holiday, so is shows that my doctor is right, i also had a eye infection caused by people not washing their feet and getting the sand off, beacuse the doctor in the hotel found sand in my eye after just coming of the big white slide in the Tropical.I would not go back to the PP until the hotel and FC, 1 give bigger and hot portions of food, 2 introduce some sort of code of conduct contract where everone signs when you arrive at the hotel, 3 sort out a dress code in the restarants, 4 ask everyone for their passports so they dont give out blue bands to under 18's . I think FC have got alot to sort out before next year, but if they dont i think they will lose the contract to this hotel, or they will sell it to their German company Go Best.
Sorry, but i left out mozzie problem and to get some sort of proper entertainment team out their for the night time, as the entertainment i throught was very poor for adults.
We mainly ate in the main indoor restaurant, the outside one a few times. I would of cared so much about the food being warm but it just wasn't cooked properly especially the chicken. I had a wrap and the chicken was completely raw inside and i checked in the tray and they were all the same. They need to get a proper head chef to lead them in the right direction because really it was all simple food to prepare and cook so there really shouldn't of been any problems.
Code of conduct contract - never seen one b4 and most people would refuse to sign - this is not practical at all.
And, again first choice cannot sell a hotel they don't own! Go Best is not German, but a Dutch company owned by FC.....
They can though pass the contract on to go best and i totally agree with bellingham.
The Pegasus resort is leased to FC. A lease is an asset just as if a company owned a lease on a building. As long as the lease is valued and sold for an agreed sum by the lessor then it can be passed on without a problem. Therefore if FC take a rain check on the Palace/Tropical and feel that it is not worth the hassle in the future, they can tell the Pegasus that they want out and as long as Pegasus get the price wanted from another operator then it aint a problem.
Hi uuf361, their is already a guide to code of conduct at the back of the brouchre, as when we went to Tunisia the tour company showed it to a unruly family who nearly was thrown put of the hotel, the hotel manager give them a warning and told them that anymore bad behavour and they would have to leave and mytravel told them they would have to pay for their own flights home, so their is a code of conduct already but no one bothers to read it, the hotel chain Iberostar have got their own code of conduct that everyone signs when you arrive at the hotel, and this is what the Pegasos chain need to do.
stayed in sept cant point to review as didnt do one and i am not going to do one.
Please read the Terms and Conditions of posting on Holiday Truths. If you can not abide by the few rules we have then I suggest you do not bother posting again.
Actually I think if he can't be bothered to write a review but he can be bothered to interfere in order to cause unrest in the topic then there's no point in him being here.
Arrived home for Pegasos Palace on Monday. Had a reasonable time there. Was told by a rep that they could only spray for the Mozzies once every 2 weeks because it was a conservation area. Bitten alot. My son of 15 was give a adult wristband I don't know what would have happened if I had not said something.
just want to thank mods for removing a acertain person,we dont need people like that,we are all entitled to our opinions and may all not agree..but hey thats life,anyway back to topic..we always ate outside and never had any problems with food,as for portions!!!!! ,yes i found this strange!!!,to my knowledge nothing was in portion sizes?you could have how ever much you want !!!and boy did some people take this would maybe go back in a few years time ,the scenery around this hotel was breathtaking,its just a shame the beach wasent..
Can anyone let me know what the creche times are please.

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