do the family rooms at the p/p have slidding doors separateing the bedroom from the sofa bed?
Yes they do
Having stayed at several AI hotels, I think they are a good idea if run properly ( the caribean has got it spot on) and I dare say I will try AI again but the one thing I will never ever do again is an all English hotel

Sorry to go slightly off topic but hey, it's quitened down on here anyway and I need to get this off my chest. We too are like Jo and Beth who begrudge the hike in prices during term time. We too went to PT this year but at the height of the season and paid what I consider a small fortune for the "privelidge" not!! For many years prior, we have been booking direct and sorting out own flights, car hire etc etc and saved lots of money by doing so. Whilst in Majorca a few years ago, I got taliking to the receptioist about prices and she said that there price is fixed from April till October NO increase for Spring Bank None for Easter or summer hols etc etc. It was only Thomson who chose to fluctuate their prices in the UK. well i'm sorry, I am all for a free market/econmoy but until our government "talk" to operators about pricing policy then there will be parents who chose to take their kids out in term time when it may only be affordable to do so for them. Mind you, having just read back what I have written, it has dawned on me the amount of people who now also chose to go it alone and give operators a "bloody nose" in doing so. After what I witnessed this year at PT, I will never book First Choice, All English or indeed with an operator agian.
me niether
I'm with you on this one Barnio, my days of booking thro' TO's are over, also altho' I won't ever book the first two weeks of school again I certainly wouldn't hesitate to take my youngest child out of school to go on holiday. My eldest daughter has been on "educational trips" to America and Paris (which included Eurodisney!!!) and another trip to Normandy ( a genuine educational trip methinks) as well as several trips in this country all during term time. I have decided to view my holidays as educational in future. I feel justified in saying this as thanks to the wonderful children's club at the Pegasus Palace my daughter learnt a hell of a lot more about turkey and it's culture than she ever would have at school and also a side to British culture I hope she never has to experience again
Hi, All, I would go back to the PP if they get the new chefs next year to get the food right(hot) and something you could lookforward to, what gets me is that if FC new they had food problems at the start of the season why didn"t they try and sort it out and just leave it until the season had finished. I remember going to another AI in 1998 with thomson, they had the rep their who was over the island with the chef telling him that they had got alot of complaints recading the food and the next day their was a total turn around with the food, we was lucky we had only just arrived, but from then on the food was fantastic, so if thompson can do it why didn"t FC do something about it early on when they first had people complaining about the food, the rep siad that 98% of people at the start of the season was complaining and then August and September 50% of poeple where complaining, i dont think FC ever learn any lessons as they have has food problems at all their HV, also someone said that the bookings are down for next year so in 2007 they are going to introduce branded names and cocktails as part of the AI, so we will have to wait and see
hi bellingham, as you know we went in october and we thought the food was nice but we made sure we went to the early supper with the kids when the food was always fresh and hot. we did try going later one night and decided to go back to going to the early supper!
Hi Johngibbo33, W did not find any problems the way the food ws cooked it was just the lack of quality of the food on some nights like the fish and steak on barbacue night, that night we did not eat anything but salad as i throught the food was very poor quality, but this was the only night we had problems with, breakfas we thought was fine, we saw poeple moaning where was the bacon and sausage, if they new anything about the Turkey or Tunisia, you cannot get bacon and sausage in any hotel in these countries,lets hope FC can get the new Chefs and food Manager get some better quality food in the restarants, perhaps they should drop a few kids clubs and spendmore money on the food budget, but FC are known for their food problems as we had to have a refund off them in 1997. but the hotel was very bad, anyway if i was you and you wanted to go back we went late August and never had any problems being served at any of the bars or resatants, the longest we have waited was 5 minutes, i think they brought in a new bar manager in august and he solved alot of probelms with the queing problem. but i must say we only paid £1800 for 3 adults and 1 child , but if i had paid what some paid around £3000 then i would probably put in a complaint form, bacause the food was not worth that much, have you thought about going to the HV in Alcudia in Mayorca as it had got very good reports and Acludia is a lovely place as we have been their twice.
i agree about schools being strict with extra time off, although my daughters school authorised the time off i was still made to feel very bad on parents evening by the teacher who commented on the extra time she was spending with her catching up( i did offer to do the work with her at home)
We enjoyed our time at the PP, it was an experience, both good and bad, but it has put us off holiday villages, I prefer something smaller. Will watch this site with interest next season to see if there has been any improvement made
i thought the breakfasts were lovely, i only hope that the new chefs are good ones or first choice are going to be in trouble again. i do think that they need more bars and seating areas (especially at the p/t) maybe they will have listened to all the complaints and will have it all sorted for next season. they have got all winter to get it sorted out. they were just laying the astro turf on the football pitch at p/t when we left
Unfortunately most of the Guests this year didn't know how to conduct themselves in public and pretty much embarassed the hell out of us decent folk
If they keep it all British, the place won't be standing in 5 years time... I was appalled at what I saw this year, there was absolutely no respect shown at all

Edit to remove emoticans Briar
Just add also, one of the most disgracefull things I saw at the Tropical, one evening a couple of families including adults had got a game of football going on the outside of the Tropical indoor mall bar (thats what we called it). It had been planted out that day by the gardeners and it got totally flattened and wrecked and had to be re done the next day. When asked to stop by staff, all they got was a tirade of abuse about it being their (swear) holiday and they would do what they liked. Just about sums it up really.
Hi Kats Clan and Barnio, I totaaly agree with you i have never in all the 15years of going abroad have i ever seen such RIF RAF people had we saw at the PP, if FC dont want to lose this hotel they will have to introduce a rule booklet when eveyone checks in, if i wrote down all the theings we saw i would tke tree pages or more, FC have no idea how to run things and look after their customers, i have seen poeple arrested for less then what people where doing at the PP, as for the food problem we liked most of the food , but the only night what i think was very poor was the barbacue night and me and my husand ended up having salad for our dinner, FC need to improve the quality of some of the food, (,mash potatoes, and scrambled eggs, we found the rest to be ok, but they had nothing to really lookforward to, like i said in my other post we went to Mayorca with Thompsons, they only had 2 weeks of people complaining about the food, the rep from the island office came to see the Chef, and the next day the food was fantastic, FC shoild take a leaf out of their book as the gentleman from the Hypermarket said that bookings are down so for next year, they hope to improve the food and in 2007 they are going to introduce branded names and cocktails, but why didnt they sort the food problem out right away if they had more than 50% of poeple filling complaint forms out, if they didnt want to sort it out right away and new it was a problem we really should of had some sort of compensation, then their bookings would not be down.
I think the only way to avoid this is to go AI to the Caribbean where there seems to be a different class of respectable people.
We went to Cyprus on an AI last year and we still got quite a lot of riff raff - as we arrived a fight broke out so can you imagine how we felt arriving to that. But guess what, unlike the PP or PT they were thrown out of the hotel no second chances.
The one problem with PT and PP is that is is so big that it is hard for them to keep an eye on what is going on - I think FC have bitten off more than they can chew.
looking on the bright side there was some really nice peole among the "riff raff" and there was some nice children who didnt want to annoy other guests, you just have to avoid all the bad ones, make sure your children know how to behave and have a good time. thats what we did, one women was very rude to me one night, i didnt stoop to her level by argueing but avoided her for the rest of the holiday, some people just love to cause trouble.
Hi all, we went 8th-22nd Aug to the PP, our children are 11 and 8 they had an absolute ball, kids clubs pools etc, and as a by product of that because they were not hassling us we had a chance to relax and meet some top people. the site was safe for them, they could roam as they pleased, but the difference is they know how to behave. I liked the PP would go back, but there is more of the world to see. The locals were fab, for me it's part of the holiday experience, yes there were a few problems, evening entertainment, but on the whole the food was pretty good, it is a very big resort so it must be difficult to cater for all. The main downside for me was as is a common thread over these pages is the language and behaviour of the British, and we wonder why we get a bad reputation abroad. enough said.
Hi, I have read lots of conflicting messages re the above hotel, can anybody give me an update please.

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