good Evening Everyone from a very chilly balcony
(Someone left the windows open

Very good wishes etc to Lilly and Kaye

have a good one.:pele


:pele I also hope that the flight and ship 'Rise' to the expectations of all.
Hi Magsy
Nice to see you are back Magsy, I'm off soon (funny arm by the way the coven are behaving) - 'What we getting for Christmas Dad ?' suttle my lot,

just about as suttle as a plane crash
Minsiter for affairs,

Oh ya, sorry I was thinking of Minsiter of Affairs, Alan Clarke, David Mellor,

John Major and David Blunket

and all the 'back to basics lot'. mind you it would ahve to be basic with John Major and Edwina Curry eh !

Mind You John Prescot and Margeat Becket now theres a thought, or Dawn Premadona and Boris Johnson

It does give flight to thought though.
Getting back on topic,

how about a protest at the D.E. ? or a blockade of the offices ?

Perhaps if we were to contact 'Working Lunch or Watchdog and advice them of our intended action
Answers on the usual £50 note to Luci or I (got to keep her sweet)