Hello Mark
I want to add this: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/4723/untitled3br.png
However on method 2 on Gifworks I'm getting a message stating :
Your image could not be loaded.
GIFWorks currently accepts only images that are saved in the GIF (.gif) format. There is also a 400k image size limit. Please try again.
NOTE: Make sure the 'Files of type:' setting is set to "All Files", otherwise you won't be able to see your '.gif' image files
Both messages in bold above appear to be confusing, I have tried both formats, and still no good.
Somewhere I'm getting confused, Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Is this to set as your Av?
Yes please.
Happy New Year to You, Trust it will be a good one for you.
Sarah, Thanks for your assistance

I'll do your Av for you now.
Thanks for the New Year wishes same to you and yours.

Van, BTW any idea how I get my AV to move?
This is not an animated format.
If you are aware of an animated format for your image on the net pass me the link and I'll look at getting it in your profile.
Hello Van
Link still not showing animated here Driver
This was the flag I wanted to put on as my avatar but I can't resize it for some reason. Can someone help please.
Thanks, Karen
This was the flag I wanted to put on as my avatar but I can't resize it for some reason. Can someone help please.
Thanks, Karen

Or maybe this one

Besos xx
Thank you very much, has it worked?
Do you still remember how to make avatars which alternate between images?
If you do, would you be able to 'make' one for me please?
I'll post the pics I'd like in case you're able to help, if you are............

These are the images.....

I hope you don't mind me asking, no worry if you can't do it


Why don`t you make the pictures a bit bigger Pippy

Unfortunately, I don`t have the software,

However, good news

Now where is Paul?

besos xxx
Give me 5 mins or so and you'll see my amateur version of it
Here it goes:
And this time resized so you can set it as your avatar

I`ll not send my e-mail if Pippy is happy

besos xxx

Thanks Sanji for your input, they were rather big weren't they?

I was bored with my marbles, who better to replace them than the gorgeous Matt?


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