Well as you can guess I am promoting Ganesh shack to anyone staying down that way (Prazeres/Victor Exotica/Whispering Palms/Sunset Beach Resort/Ruffles).
To get there from the main road - walk down past the whispering palms (on your left) and continue to the end of the beach road.You will now see the ship in front of you.Walk on to the sand and look to your left (diagonally) you will see a beach mat that will take you to Ganesh shack.
If you stand and look straight forward you will see Sudahs shack - she will have her dingos out on the prowl and will attempt to drag you in to her shack with petty sob stories - do not listen and keep heading for Ganesh's.
He has been really impressed with all HTers who have been this season,and would like to thank anyone else who would like to visit.
A hard working lad with good family staff and a very good chef.
Sorry to keep pushing the place,but to see what he has achieved over the last 9 years is amazing and i have all the respect for him - so when the season starts up again for 06/07 I will be pushing even more !!!