Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
bombs in dahab
121 Posts
Going out in mid June for a fortnight with 2 young children and football mad hubby. Were in Sharm during the bombings last year and must admit, it was pretty scary. However, agreed with most of you that we musn't let a few idiots scare us off and booked last august to go back this year. Now however, with 2 bombings in 9 months aimed at tourists and the tourist industry, I feel a little scared about going, especialy while the world cup is on and many tourists (including us) will be congregating in the main resorts to cheer on our countries. Does anybody have a view on this?

Not sure I want to risk being bombed twice in the same country!! :shock:
I think all of you are just great :) I and my family went out last year to Sharm a couple of days after the bombing and though at first i felt sick with worry,especially as the rest of my family were in the uk, but once there i felt so safe... i am going back this year in september and have booked for next July aswell...are they going to stop us ?no way !!!
I think all of you are just great :) I and my family went out last year to Sharm a couple of days after the bombing and though at first i felt sick with worry,especially as the rest of my family were in the uk, but once there i felt so safe... i am going back this year in september and have booked for next July aswell...are they going to stop us ?no way !!!
Arrests reported already. It does seem the authorities are quick once this happens. Seems to be a 9 month cycle to these attacks (Oct 2004, July 2005, April 2006) - I presume it's coincidence.

My condolences to anyone reading this who was involved or directly affected by the attacks. I only booked our return to Sinai on Saturday - and we, like many others will still be going (in July).
We were in sharm in August last year after July bomb and must admit it felt really safe I was more frightened by the fighting in our resort with the English football fanatics I dont follow football and dont know when the world cup is , hopefully it is not in July as I would hate a repeat of last August, the kids were playing a game and the fathers were in conflict and came to blows fighting over who should have won etc., they had to be removed from our hotel, (thank god) it would have put me off going to a resort and so horrible for all the other guests and kids. I have three sons who follow sport and a husband who played rugby but I have never been subjected to the agro associated with football and hate to go on holdiay to relax and have it in my face.

Sorry if I have offended anyone but thats how I feel
i would b lyin if i said i am not worried as i have got my 12 and 13 yr old kids and my mother coming with me 8 june. But i live in manchester and we also got bombed not once but twice. At the time i worked in the city center and had people stopped coming i 2 would have been out of a job. I went 2 manchester with my mum after the second bomb 2 show manchester would not live in fear my mum made me brave. I know have 2 show my kids that the world we live in is horrible but we still have to LIVE in it with out hiding from the bullys.
dissappointed to hear about another bomb this time in Cairo. :roll: :roll:

16 weeks to go then :fly to Taba 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
hi, read the last post about another bomb in cairo, was that bomb today? 26/04/2006 its just i havent read anything about it and cannot see and news reviews on it, if i have miss read this then sorry my apologies.
many thanks
Checked on Reuters website. There were no bombings in Cairo but 2 separate suicide bombings in the North Sinai. Didn't appear to be targeting tourists. Not very good at links, so if you search for sinai bombings on reuters website you should find the article.
Regards Caro
Sinai bomb injures two international observers
CAIRO (Reuters) - A bomb exploded near an airport in the north of Egypt's Sinai peninsula on Wednesday and two members of the multinational observer force were injured, Egyptian security forces said

got onfo off reuters after hearing the news on gmtv wed morn

regards Louise
Got back from our first holiday in Egypt on Monday and we were already planning our second before we left. We were up in the air when the bombs went off and knew nothing about this tragedy until we heard about it on the News on Tuesday.

It is so sad for the families concerned.Hopefully it will not have too great an effect on Egypt's tourist trade, as they work so hard for us when we are there. My kids are keen to return next April and funds permitting we will be there.
In Nov 1997 we took our first ever trip to Egypt - a Cruise & Stay. On the last day of the cruise we were back in Luxor & went over to the West Bank. At the last minute our guide changed our itinerary for the day with no reason which meant that we were in Kings Valley when the dreadful massacre at Hapshetsut occurred, where many people both tourists & Egyptians were killed by knife & gun. If the itinerary had not been changed I may not be here today. Everyone was flown out of Luxor the next day,many in tears & in shock. All charter flights stopped for approx 6 months. As soon as they started up again, back we went, & we have been to Egypt 2 or 3 times a year ever since. The Egyptians rely so much on the tourist trade. Remember your friendly waiter on your cruiser or in your hotel may have a mother or father, sister or brother who is terminally ill. Without tourists that waiter cannot earn money, and cannot pay for the medical treatment needed - there is no NHS in Egypt! Please do not cancel your holidays - go & enjoy. Security WILL be stepped up - it always is, & we MUST show our support for the hard working people there.
well said Sandie, with you 100% on this
Hi All
I have read all the posts and am pleased that everyone is so positive, and yes everyone is right not to let the scum win, but there is an old saying if you look for trouble you will find it, this is now the third attack in less than two years.
I was at the Hilton in Nuweiba when the first bombs went off, we didn't have a clue until we went back to the rooms, all the Israeli's slept outside as they feared for their lives and by breakfast time there were only a handful left, I saw the waiters from the hilton Taba the next day waiting to go back to Cairo some had lost their friends all who were left were bandaged from head to foot I could only shake their hands or pat them on the back, it was appreciated, we vowed then that we would always support them and go back at least once per year.
My point is these bombers seem to target after either Egyptians or Israeli's on certain holiday times to disrupt the tourist industry, unfortunately it may happen again, I only hope they are stopped. Sorry if this seems depressing but you have to be realistic.

Now for my positive bit
We are going to Sonesta Beach at Taba on the 11th June and can't wait, we won't be beaten into submission, so much respect to all of you who are going in the next few days/weeks, keep the faith and have a fantastic holiday
see you there

Pete & Ann

8) :wave :sun :glynis
Hi Pete and Ann

I've thought the same as you on this subject.
They seem to be working their way through all the resorts and could well repeat attacks at the resorts they've already targeted.

I've considered the risks involoved in returning to Sharm (I went there a few days after the bombings last year) and I've decided the odds of my hotel being bombed are fairly small. To put it bluntly, they'd have plenty of hotels to choose from.

I know I'll be potentially putting myself at risk by returning but I love Sharm so much, the thought of cancelling next year's holiday there isn't one I wish to contemplate.

What a sad world we live in huh? How terrible it is we even have to be having this discussion :(

Pippy :D
I had a similar scenario when we went to Turkey last year. We were due to go a few weeks after the Dolmus bomb in Kussadasi. We were very nervous espically with our 6 year old in tow. However, we ended up having a great time and loved every minute of it, dispite our inital apprehension.
On the day of the Dahab bomb, my wife and I sat open mouthed as we intended to book the Hilton Dahab for next year the following day. We were so upset. Still in two minds at what to do.
Those scenes of all the locals protesting the next day with their banners saying ' We love tourists' really brought it home how important tourisim is to these resorts.
I'm going to Sharm for the 1st time on the 22nd May.

I've been so looking forward to this holiday having practically forced my boyfriend to come along because he was reluctant after the July 05 bombings. You can imagine what he's like now - and to be honest, it's starting to wear off on me. I'm getting rather worried from reading these postings.

I agree with you all about not letting them win and carrying on with our travels to help their industry but to be honest, and it's rather selfish, I DO want to come back in one piece - look after number one first. Sorry

What do you all think the chances are of somewhere like Sharm being hit again?
I've been following ths forum for the last few weeks as I was very interested and keen in visiting to Egypt for the first time but now (sorry for being sooo selfish) I just don't feel like it :? . I know these people need the tourists but presently all I can think of is my life I cannot risk my life for a holiday. I try to tell myself that it won't happen to me but if it happens, and I know I'll be all concerned during my holiday and not enjoying it to the full. Sorry for being so negative :roll: . I really admire the courage of all of you who still want to go to Egypt.
Aloha - I tend to agree with you as well - although I admire everyone who without doubt still wants to go. Im due to go to Egypt for the first time in July on my honeymoon - but we're a bit dubious as to whether to still go or not. We are lucky as we phoned our tour operator and they said we can change our booking/destination up until the 13th May with a £30 charge which isn't bad.

We were soooo looking forward to it, but I just think this will put a dampener on the whole thing, not on the part of the resort and the Egyptians but on our part as we'll be worried about sitting in a bar for example or going into a supermarket in case something happens. I know it can happen anywhere but I like to think that I can lessen the chances of this by going elsewhere.

We haven't decided yet what to do, but I think I'll be taking a trip to the travel agents tomorrow to see where else we can go.
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