Brit5Alpha wrote:
BenidormHereICome Forgive me if ive misled anyone, but like i said im basing my facts on what i have seen and heard from reps who work with my daughter
With all due respect to you and your intial post and to your daughter, as other members have pointed out, you have only been able to post some information on the sort of work your daughter undertakes, and as she only works for one Employer the points you have raised can hardly be referred to as facts.
For example, you clearly stated, or so I understood your posting to read, that Reps are only entitled to Hotel meals if they are based in a Five Star Hotel, and this simply is NOT a "fact". I've stayed in ONE star Hotels where I have observed Reps eating in the Dining Room at all three meals.
I don't believe other HT members have given you "flack". I think you will find that they are merely stating 'facts' as they have seen them, and as things appear to them. As indeed is the case with how things appear to me.
From reading the various replies to your original post it would apear that Company Policies and Procedures may vary from one Company to another, and therefore although what you have posted may be 'fact' in as far as your daughter's Employer is concerned, (I don't think that can be in dispute based on your personal experiences) it may not be 'fact' from another Tour Operators point of view.
Maybe depending on which Tour Operator you are employed with as a Holiday Rep, then your job may be better if you work for Company 'A', as opposed to Company 'B'. Company 'C' may provide you with free meals, whereas Companies 'A' & 'B' do not. Does that make any sense?
Although the main duties of a Holiday Rep will in all probability be the same whether you work for Company 'A', Company 'B' or Compnay 'C', your salary and Beneifits 'package' may vary considerably from one company to the other.
I have met Reps in the past who said they used to work for Compnay 'X' but now they work for Compnay 'Y' because they get more pay for less hours.